Individual Transformation

Explore our archive of articles on Individual Transformation.

Baptism of Fire

Journal Article

“He was a gaunt looking character, tall and thin. He had one of those long brown greatcoats like you see the defeated German troops wearing in the films as they retreat from Stalingrad. He had a sort of pilot hat with padded ear flaps, white arctic boots, and a rucksack on his back. I could only guess at his age.”

Awakened Life!

Journal Article

“Clearly if we are to truly Awaken and come together in deep Brotherhood in the 21st century we cannot return to the mythic dogmatisms and patriarchal rigidities of traditional masculine culture and we also want to transcend the materialistic bias of the modern male rational mind.”

Ritual Fire and Sacred Masculinity

Journal Article

The ManKind Project runs intensive weekend trainings for men and supports peer-facilitated men’s groups. They have 750 men’s groups operating in the United States and in 26 countries around the world.

Are You Sure?

Journal Article

Where does truth come from? Is truth “out there” to be discovered? Or is it “inside” to be revealed? A very hopeful answer is that truth presents itself in response to our individual and collective need, our yearning for its light. If so, the need is now.

Humble Like the Earth

Journal Article

Suddenly, I remembered my vision from the woods. My hand trembled as I closed the Zoom room. I sat down and cried tears of joy.

Realigning with Earth Wisdom

Journal Article

In this edition of Kosmos, you will find the wisdom of the elephant and the hummingbird, indigenous wisdom, the knowledge of the farmer, the mystic, the scientist. Tree wisdom. Ocean wisdom. Glacier wisdom.

The Descent to Soul

Journal Article

What we have lost, in particular, is the journey of soul initiation — a psycho-spiritual undertaking that connects us in the most profound way to both the Earth community and the source of our deepest humanity.

Vow of 120,000 Actions

Journal Article

When we make a vow, no matter the intention behind it, we’re doing so with the full strength of our will, rather than being half-hearted.

Deschooling Dialogues: On Initiation, Trauma and Ritual with Francis Weller

Journal Article

Alnoor Ladha interviews Francis Weller, a psychotherapist, writer and activist who pioneered the method of soul-centered psychotherapy.