Integral Metatheory As Holder Of The Future

Over the years, Ken Wilber and the hundreds of those who have taken his wisdom and fleshed it out among humanity's yearnings and flowerings call attention to the theoretical and embidied changes already underway in the world’s great religious and spiritual communities. We envision a not-too-distant future in which a new emerging Integral Spirituality will give both energy and structure to…

What Does it Mean to be a Global Citizen?

By Ron Israel and the Global Citizen's Initiative UPDATED 10/9/18 There is an emerging world community to which we all belong! The growing interconnectedness among people, countries, and economies means that there is a global dimension to who we are. The most positive way of responding to this is by pursuing a path of global citizenship. Global citizens see ourselves as part of an emerging…

Jerry White

Jerry White has dedicated his life to building resilience in individuals and communities affected by violent conflict.  White lost his leg to a landmine explosion while hiking in Israel in 1984.  It is his core belief that, with the right tools, everyone can rise above trauma and give back to their communities.  His co-founding in 1995 of Landmine Survivors Network (LSN) led him to…

The Global Man As The Vision For The Third Millennium; The Role Of Peace Education

GLOBAL MAN AS THE VISION FOR THE THIRD MILLENNIUM: THE ROLE OF PEACE EDUCATION Surya Nath Prasad, Ph. D. Founder & Editor-in-Chief Peace Education: An International Journal Executive Vice President International Association of Educators for World Peace Former Visiting Professor The Graduate Institute of Peace Studies, Kyung Hee University Republic of Korea 216, Laxminagar, NAGPUR-440 022,…

Stanimirka Milovanovic

When I first read about Nancy Roof’s work about 10 years ago I was immediately drawn to her ideas and felt I had to try to get in touch with her. I still remember thinking that this what Nancy was doing seemed almost impossible to have been achieved but there she was really doing it. I failed to establish the contact then but succeeded in subscribing for Kosmos and felt privileged to…

Said E. Dawlabani

Said Elias Dawlabani is a cultural economist, public speaker, trainer and writer specializing in the Gravesian approach to value systems and cultural change. He is the author of the 2013 book MEMEnomics, The Next-Generation Economic System. His writings in the field of finance have been compared to those of Peter Lynch, Charlie Munger and Warren Buffet. His work has been translated to several…

Elza S. Maalouf

Elza S. Maalouf is an Arab‐American futurist and cultural development specialist whose work is focused on cultural, business and political reform in the Arab world. She lectures widely in the West on the complexities of the Muslim world and widens the horizon of understanding of Western cultures in the East.   Elza is a former attorney and corporate executive. Her innovative approaches to…

Tom Atlee

Tom Atlee is founder, co-director, and research director of the non-profit Co-Intelligence Institute. From the mid-1990s through the mid-2000s, his work focused on developing a society's capacity to function as a wise democracy. Since 2005, his work has increasingly focused on the dynamics of conscious evolution -- in particular the conscious evolution of social systems. These intertwined…

Gary Braasch

Gary Braasch is a world caliber environmental photojournalist who creates remarkable images and documentation about nature, environment, biodiversity and global warming. His images and assignment articles have been published by Time, LIFE, Discover, Smithsonian, National Geographic, Scientific American and the United Nations among many others. He received the Ansel Adams Award from the Sierra…

Jim Kenney

Jim Kenney is the Executive Director of the Interreligious Engagement Project (IEP21), working with global religious communities to address the world’s critical problems through cooperative partnerships with government, business, education, media, intergovernmental organizations, and civil society. He is the author of Thriving in the Crosscurrent: Clarity and Hope In a Time of Cultural Sea…