
Explore our archive of articles on Business.

Bringing Reefs Back to Life

Journal Article

Two years ago, an “obituary” for the Great Barrier Reef flew across the Internet like grapeshot fired from a cannon. But the pronouncement was premature. Coral reefs are indeed dying, but they are not yet dead.

Holacracy | An Emergent Order System

Journal Article

BR | Instead of asking how do we get better top-down control, I think a more interesting question is how can we change the fundamental frame to not need top-down control?

Advertising and Trading | The Markets’ Problem Twins

Journal Article

My view is that while capitalism may not survive in any of its current forms, markets will continue since they are deeply coded in the cultural DNA of all human societies. Today, we see new markets and new commons as we explore the evolving global playing field. Markets can be tamed, transformed as they always have been, guided by robust feedback from investors, NGOs, community norms, new regulations at all levels, and by consumers and citizens.

Soil Wealth and a Regenerative Green New Deal

Journal Article

How do those of us who are not fundamentally business-minded nor trained in soliciting investments become more adept and sophisticated in obtaining funding to scale up our regenerative economy? How do we prove to investors that there is a strategic, indeed existential imperative to consider investments that not only are socially responsible and good for the environment but also build the essential new regenerative economy?