Transforming a Moral Obligation into a Moral Motivation

To address the major challenges facing the world today, from cleaning the environment to feeding the planet, to fomenting peace, we need all players at the table. Multinational corporations need to sit alongside public sector representatives, activists, non-profits, investors and consumers. Getting that cornucopia of potential to the table will only be achieved by invitation, not excoriation.

People within and without organizations need to be motivated to participate as if their very livelihood depended on it. We need to transform moral obligation into a moral motivation.

A radical optimist and sacred activist, I reside at the intersection of spirituality, business and leadership, marrying the powers of conscience and commerce to fuel positive change. Through the transformative power of conscious communications, I help individuals, leaders and organizations to hear their souls and speak their truths. By practicing PR with Purpose, I help catalyze them as a force for positive change in the world. Here’s how.


If you’re not disrupting yourself, how can you disrupt an organization, a sector, a society?

Where to start? Within.

By anchoring in a clear vision, mission and soul purpose, you shift from a fear-driven, constricted “doing,” where the means eclipse the end, to an expansive, welcoming, collaborative and confident “being.” There, strategies shine brightly and truth conveys comfort. Fear and greed are so yesterday.
Who you are is a constant. It is not what you are doing or even where you are headed. It is your essence. Self-discovery is an evolution, and anchoring in identity is a discipline. Do you, as an organization, a leader, a citizen, proceed with purpose? Do you model, through word, thought and actions, the very identity you claim?

Intuiting and crafting your vision, mission and purpose requires equal parts head and heart. Move beyond ownership to embodiment; walk the walk and talk the talk. When your vision, mission and purpose become muscle memory, your truth becomes clear, empowering and inviting. This applies to any individual, family, group, company or organization.


Your vision is the potential you strive to manifest.

A vision involves sight—foresight, to be precise. A bold vision conjures a time, a place, a possibility that conveys an improved state for all. It should inspire everyone you touch by offering a clear vision, a mirror for anyone exploring it.

Envision your ideal world of tomorrow. In doing so, you and your purpose in it will be illuminated, along with strategies for transforming possibility into reality.

Visionaries proceed as if the future they see exists today.


Your mission expresses how you serve the world, both in action and attitude. It is the articulation of your unique gift and how you can be of service to the world, even if you’re being paid for it.

An innovative mission will energize your team, your customers, your investors, your partners, your vendors, and anyone else you need to help you make your vision a reality. It is a clarion call describing how you are going to show up in the world and motivating others to join you.


Your purpose is an expression of profound truth reflecting a system of beliefs that propel you, a philosophical approach to your work based on a distinct worldview. It speaks to what you as an individual or group is uniquely designed to do and believe. No other person or people on the planet can offer your unique gifts.

Your purpose speaks directly back to you. It serves as a barometer, as an indicator that you are on the right path with any activity you execute, any goal you pursue.

For leaders, communicating a purpose offers a window to the soul of your organization. It places you squarely in the realm of possibility, of creativity, of profound thought, of bold leadership.

By articulating a purpose, your mission is elevated to a sacred bond, and you can feel your way forward with heart. Executing your mission will feel less like work and more like passion.

For organizations, your purpose reverberates out to the community, to the homes and families of your employees, to the world. As colleagues, you share a profound truth and strive to manifest something larger than any single individual. The motivation to sustain the organization, which feeds a deep longing, is powerfully strengthened. Your interactions with customers, investors, partners, vendors and each other are simplified and fortified.

Your vision, mission and purpose keep you honest. Strategies, tactics and activities power the mission and are evaluated against the vision and purpose. If anything you do, anyone you hire, anyone you do business with doesn’t align, rethink it.

Truth is never more important than when you speak to yourselves. Hear your soul. Speak your truth.