Manifesto of the Secret World Government

We are the many, coming to find ourselves, to understand the power we each hold when acting in service. As we move, as we come together, we find the strength we share, our boundless ability to shape the world, the future, the life that calls to us.

We are the Government of the Secret World, discovering ourselves anew.

We are the Secret Government of the World, finding our power in service.

We are the Secret World Government.


Ours is the future – the More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know is Possible.

Ours is the present – foetal within the pregnant pause that marks the end of recent history.

Ours is the new and ancient story that restores balance between humanity and All Else, that restores connection to The Whole.

We are the past, the present, the future. The pain and destruction wrought in this age is just our shadow – the shadow of a future which promises a more pure and noble truth.


We understand that we are on the brink of a transformation that is beyond our control. We know this because the future has spoken it: trying to impose order or to leave the situation will close The Way.

We understand that this transformation will reveal humanity’s hidden inner potential. We appreciate that to release this is to act from the feminine, from the yin.

We understand the need to let things emerge without pressure, that Heaven is moving here, that we will return to the heart of Heaven and Earth.

This is a time of emergence – when to be in Secret Government means to hold a space for the future to breathe and grow, warm and safe within our womb.

This is a time when it is useful, even crucial to create the future world somehow in secret. Those who need to will see it. And when enough do, the time will be right. To stay in the shade for now, will bring profit and insight.


This is a time when to be, is to do. A time when we learn what it means to be the change we wish to see in the world. We understand that this is the greatest thing we can do both to bid farewell to the old and to welcome in the next.

There is no duality between being and doing. When we are the future, we invoke the future. When we create the future we do it precisely from the place of future-being within us.

Means and ends, doing and being, action and non-action: all are one.

There is much to do – and much time in which to do it. We will not let the urgency of the challenge trick us into acting with the crisis-mind that has created this turmoil. This is our shadow.

We remember that in the life of the universe (our life), this moment is a mere heartbeat. We remember the far distant future we have already lived. This moment will pass soon enough. The coming future is eternal.

Heaven is moving here. A significant connection is approaching. If Heaven and Earth did not mingle like this the myriad things would never emerge. We listen to the Cosmos whispering in our ear. We hear the breath of the future world emerging. This is what guides us. We live in service of a day when we all take our place, connected to The Whole, absorbed within eternal flow.

We are the Government of the Secret World, biding our time, creating the future in our heart and in our deeds.

We are the Secret Government of the World. We are you, them, all.

We are the Secret World Government, taking our place in you, in us, in all things.