THE WAY OF THE WILD FEMININE: NEW STORY OF SELF, NEW MAP FOR THE WORLD The wild feminine is not only sustainable in all worlds, it sustains all worlds. Clarissa Pinkola Estes The map of the psyche and the map of the world are drawn from the same story: The deeply rooted myth of a separate, independent, and autonomous self. The 5,000 year old story we live by is a story of…

Evolution’s Paradox: why we ignore Climate Change

Humankind has much to celebrate. Our intellect has taken us to the moon, deciphered the code that defines us and created sublime works of art and music. But our intellect has also delivered us the means of our own destruction.   In the last few hundred years we have not only invented the means of exploiting fossil fuels, but we have also developed the economic and political…

Drunk on Possiblilities Feel Alive, Change the Game, Enjoy the Spoils

I crave experiences of deep intimacy with people, creative collaborations beyond ego, and states of causal or non-dual awareness because they make me feel truly alive. I am graced with these experiences too infrequently to sustain my needs and just frequently enough to make me feel that an ordinary day, in contrast to them, is mediocrity. Waah, waah, poor me, right? First world problems, s h u t…

Prospect Citizens of the New World

This is the continuation of the first topic “To be a citizen of the new world” that emphasize to become humble like a foot. Now I would like to introduce another nature bible, which I obtained from my teacher Suksun, to “Become a root”. Among all the trees in the world, it’s the branches that fight each another to take charge of high places. Greedily they try, day and night, to be above the…

Nuclear abolition wave circles the world

Via Peace and Planet Dr Gary Goldstein, Tufts University, Dot Maver, Kosmos Journal & National Peace Academy and Anna Ikeda, SGI & METTA Center wave goodbye to nuclear weapons at the Peace and Planet Conference in NYC. As governments gather in New York for the four-week-long nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) Review Conference, a wave of nuclear abolition activities is swinging…