Call for Essays | Activism in the New Climate

Call for Essays

(image) Twice a year Kosmos invites our community members to submit an essay up to 830 words. We choose two or three essays to publish in our print edition of Kosmos Journal and several others in Kosmos Online and on our website. We are preparing the next issue of Kosmos Journal right now, and hope you will participate. Our theme this Spring is ‘Activism in the New Climate’. What does ‘activism’ mean to you, and how are you actively engaging the world in the current political, physical and emotional climate? Submit your essay here. Deadline March 1, 2017.

All Members of Kosmos Community are welcome to submit essays. You can join Kosmos Community here for as little as $12/year For anyone who can’t join, due to special circumstances, a limited number of complimentary memberships are available by contacting

Here are few ideas to consider:

Activism of Inclusion | How is inclusion, allyship and sharing political power influencing your approach to activism?

Subtle Activism | What effects do the power of prayer, pilgrimage, group meditation and spiritual journey play in your identity as an activist?

Youth Activism | What models do we have and what roles exist for young people shaping and co-creating our collective future?

Activism and Tech | Is our increasingly interconnected, high-tech society making us better activists? Why or why not?

Activism and Art | How are the Arts surfacing some of our deepest feelings and most revolutionary ideas about planet Earth and the future of our planetary culture?

This is an opportunity for you to share your work and expertise with an engaged international audience. It is also an opportunity for Kosmos to learn more about you and your work in service to our mutual mission.

Deadline March 1, 2017.

Submit your essay here. 

830 word maximum (due to limits of space)