Karen Seymour

Karen Seymour is currently pursuing her PhD at California Institute of Integral Studies. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Biology and a Master’s in Environmental Studies. She has worked as a salmon biologist, a commissioned artist, and a scientific editor. Karen is the author of two books. The first is a children’s book, titled A Home for Hana. It was inspired by the curiosity of her own two children, and was written and illustrated as a homage to the incomparable splendor of the mountains of the Washington State and their charismatic fauna. The second book is titled Natural Metaphor: The Intelligent Evolution of Consciousness. It represents a deep dive into the mysteries of science and spirit, and the ever-evolving bond of consciousness that unifies these two realms of knowledge. This is the thread of inquiry that Karen now continues to pursue at CIIS. She currently lives with her daughter and their plethora of animal companions, who all provide a constant reminder that Nature is our original teacher.
A Walk Along the River | Metaphysical Concepts of Thought and Time
Journal Article
“At both scales of reality—the cosmic metaphysical and the human psychological—the untamed, chaotic unconscious is the mother of the conscious. The latter “eternally struggles to extricate itself from the primal warmth and primal darkness of the maternal womb,” that it may express the potential from which it arises as localized form or explicit thought. The roots of matter and thought thus share the same profoundly wild, oceanic origins as does time.”