The Sustainable Development Goals and Conscious Communication with Nature

A conversation by Dr. Maia Kincaid and Dr. Lisinka Ulatowska.

Lisinka: On September 27, 2015, a bold new global agenda to eradicate poverty in all its forms and to pursue a sustainable future was adopted by the 193 Member States of the United Nations.  At its heart: 17 Sustainable Development Goals or SDGs. which rested on 3 pillars: the economy, society and the environment.

I have been associated with the UN since 1969 and had been intensively involved in the discussions leading to the adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals (or SDGs). Once these had been agreed and before they were actually adopted, it became clear that of the three pillars, the environment, or Nature, was least understood. This threatened to become a serious obstacle to the implementation of the SDGs. For Nature, with the economy and society are the three pillars on which all of them rest. And of the three, Nature is primary.

At the same time, the challenges people faced in understanding and integrating Nature into the implementation of the SDGs made sense because coming to grips with Nature requires us to use our mental faculties in a different way than we do when coming to grips with matters relating to the economy and society – concepts created by human beings.

Studying to become a clinical psychologist, I had learned to be more aware of how what I hear, feel, see, taste, sense and intuit is affecting my thoughts, feelings and actions. This training has made me automatically aware that, at all times, I am in interaction with Nature. Since we are constantly interacting with Nature, as do plants and other animals, it must be possible to communicate with Nature consciously, and extremely urgent to do so. Our very survival depends on this.

That is why, Maia, I sought you out. I was immediately struck by your integrity and academic credentials. Using both intuitive and analytical mental capacities is important if we are to translate our communications with Nature into a language that can be understood and useful to UN Member States.

Maia, how did you become a Nature communicator?

(image) Maia Kincaid in Sedona, AZ

Maia: My natural ability to talk with animals, plants, insects and the Earth developed out of an urgency to understand why I was here and my purpose in being human. Until I began communicating with Nature I actually did not feel comfortable as a human being and thought I had somehow arrived here in the wrong species! From my earliest memories I had an idea that there was something special, some special wisdom, which all of Nature, including all the animals, was aware of but was a big secret to us humans. I desperately wanted to know why I was here and what life was all about. Being with animals and out in Nature was my joy and what brought me peace and that is where I believed I would find my answers.

I spent my early life talking with animals, plants and insects as much as possible, but the communication seemed random in that it would simply happen sometimes but not whenever I wished it would happen. At first I thought this was a special gift that perhaps I alone had as I knew of no other humans communicating in this way. It wasn’t until my early clients urged me to teach a class that I realized that all humans have this natural ability and with guidance everyone is able to do it. It was an absolute joy for me to be in the presence of people discovering their natural ability. I found my purpose, and at the same time I found joy and pride in being human because animals and our neighbors in Nature love us so much.They believe in us, and they believe in our capacity to overcome any obstacle, including living in peace and harmony with one another, and in peace with all beings of Nature. They love it when we remember our true nature as humans, which is to do good, look out for one another, and have fun!

I have been hired by people around the world to talk with their animals. I was asked by agronomists and growers to talk with plants, the soil, insects, and the products used in growing crops. Occasionally I was called upon to talk with insects to assist in moving them out of a home or off animals, and sometimes I was asked to talk with the Earth in a particular location about use of the land and to learn about the history of the area.

When you contacted me to inquire about Nature communication training to use in your work with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals it was a dream come true, Lisinka. Let me tell you why.

As soon as I began communicating with Nature all those years ago, I began to learn that anything was possible including living in harmony with Nature and one another in an environment which is vital and thriving. I loved this vision of our world and wanted to find a way to have it be our experience on the planet. Although I was sharing my communications in books I published, I had not found a way to truly reach our leaders around the world who have the power to lead us into a new era of collaboration and respect.

I found that with you and I feel so grateful to know you and collaborate as we do!

Lisinka: My 12-day internship with you opened a whole new world to me, Maia. Every day we went into the high desert and just jumped into speaking with animals and plants—just learning the process by doing it. I shall never forget the very first day.

We had walked up a tiny trail that seemed at first hidden from view, when our attention was drawn by a juniper tree. It looked as if it had been swept by huge storms throughout many ages until it was almost bare and leaning precipitously forward. We clunked over in our heavy boots, talking and laughing and making quite a bit of noise, when suddenly we saw a snake, which instead of fleeing from the noise we were making, was slithering directly toward us. Instead of being terrified (my usual reaction to snakes) I found myself spontaneously thinking in wonder: “What kind of being are you?” and I saw the words: “I am the ultimate feminine.” It then disappeared under the Juniper tree. That did not make sense to me, but you got the same message from the snake, “I am the ultimate feminine.”

(image) Lisinka and a wolf friend

That night you gave me homework to communicate with the Juniper tree from a distance. The message I received from the Juniper tree was that the natural world is full of contradictory energies pulling in all sorts of directions and that parts of Nature have the task of keeping these in balance. That was her task as a Juniper tree standing on that particular spot. The snake had joined her because she needed more “feminine” receptive energy at that moment. I had never had any thoughts of this kind before. And during my internship with you, Maia, I made a point of making note of insights I got from Nature that were foreign to my thinking up to that point. That was one way I hoped to separate my conscious thinking and knowing from the communications I received.

Maia, what are some of the insights you yourself have received from your communications with Nature?

Maia: One of the most profound things I learned from communicating with Nature has to do with becoming aware of the framework from which I view life. The way it was described to me was to imagine as if I were looking through an empty picture frame which had no glass and no picture. There was just the frame and I could even put my head through it or just look from behind and through it out into my world. It was like the frame of an open window. I learned that my frame, with which I was viewing my life, was made up of my past experiences, and what I learned and was taught along the way. It also included my assumptions and beliefs about people and life. In communicating with Nature it was necessary for me to actually set aside my frame of reference so I could listen from the standpoint of a blank canvas. Otherwise I would simply be hearing my own point of view rather than Nature’s point of view. By continually acknowledging my point of view but being willing to set it aside temporarily each time I communicated, I was able to experience that my frame really was simply a frame of reference and not necessarily who I was. It was not even necessarily true. This understanding has brought me more effectiveness and enhanced my communication tremendously over the years.

Another great idea which I learned from my Nature communication was that of creating a clearing in order for something new to grow. This idea applies well to so many things in our lives. I used to assume if a project wasn’t going well we simply had failed and that there was something wrong. From Nature I learned to look at it differently. Instead of thinking of it as a failure and being with myself and others as if it were a failure, I learned to look at and listen to what was at the core of who we were. Who were we to be doing the project in the first place? What was our motivation? What was important to us and how committed were we to being successful? When I looked at it this way I actually was inspired by my own determination and by the tremendous heart and spirit of those involved. The inspiration of Nature and the wisdom behind it has helped me be more effective with my projects and have them flow with greater ease.

By the end of your internship with me, Lisinka, we both were convinced how useful it could be to governments to understand the communications we received from Nature.

Lisinka: Yes from then on it became a joint project. You put the word out to the many other Nature communicators you had met and/or trained throughout the years and I did to my UN colleagues.

(image) Lisinka and Maia

Once we started to look around we found that there are a surprising number of people, many with post graduate degrees who regularly communicate with Nature. I am convinced that the time is dawning for a greater integrated use of our mental faculties, when I look at the scientific work being done on such things as the zero point, quantum, Akasha, A, morphogenetic and morphic fields, etc. and the perspective that knowledge is stored in fields to which people gain access and which connect people everywhere. Why would animals and plants which we know have ways of communicating with one another not be connected to humans via such fields?

We decided to reach out to individuals, academic institutions, Indigenous Peoples and others to together form a Partnership to Integrate Nature into the Implementation of the SDGs. We have been successful and managed to write Reports on Nature and SDGs 1, 4, 5, 6, 11, 13 and 14. These reports are inspired by the communications we get from Nature and integrated with the knowledge each of us has in our own field of academic and other learning. We make these available to UN Member States as our Reports become relevant to issues the UN is focusing on.

More Information

To attend Maia’s monthly training program in Nature communication as it relates to the UN Development goals, click hereAll parts of this initiative are free of charge and exist for the purposes of:

  1. engaging humanity in interspecies communication; 
  2. gathering practical insights on how humans may live in harmony with Nature and one another, going forward; and
  3. communicating this to those in positions of global leadership in such a way that they can apply it to sustainable development. 


Dr. Maia Kincaid: USA 928-282-2604; or

Dr. Lisinka Ulatowska: USA +1 701 937 0211; Netherlands: +31 (0)35 691 9275

all photos | the authors