
Explore our archive of articles on Leadership.

Presence at the Edge of Our Practice

Journal Article

Humanity is in a time of transition, one that we can navigate successfully only with a shift in consciousness. How can we wake up from the collective neuroses that have driven our civilization into decadence and decline?

Dynamic Governance

Journal Article

The 21st century is witnessing hundreds of millions of people caught up in cascading systemic transformation. Global society has crossed a threshold. We’ve entered the time of the Great Transition—a time when we hospice outworn ways of living that no longer serve us and the Earth, and give birth to an emergent, more compassionate, and resilient future.

Global Citizenship | An Emerging Agenda in Education

Journal Article

Introduced at an early stage of child development, global citizenship education enhances mutual respect and understanding, tolerance, and cultural literacy, while substantially weakening the power of radicalized messages.

Breaking Out of the Domination Trance

Journal Article

I have been asked to tell you about the findings from my research identifying the core components of a safer, more equitable, and caring world—especially one where women and children are finally safe—a goal that is very close to my heart.

Leading In Unknown Terrain

Journal Article

Many are questioning their true calling during this “time-out,” as they experience that being overly attached to roles and activities does not lead to true joy.

The Alchemy of Power

Journal Article

Small and large businesses, schools, governmental, nongovernmental, and civic organizations are demonstrating what decades of studies bear out: operationalizing values is the best insurance for living and working with robust people, within robust economies, on a robust planet.

Being Leaders | In Conversation with Christiana Figueres

Journal Article

"When I took my position as the Executive Secretary of the UNFCCC, we were all demoralized. Nobody, including me, believed it was possible to achieve a global climate agreement in our lifetime. When I heard myself saying this, I realized that nothing would be possible if we didn’t shift this mindset and change the narrative."