Jakob van Wielink

Jakob van Wielink

Jakob van Wielink, MA is a friend and a father who helps leaders and their organizations find and live their calling. Jakob is a partner at De School voor Transitie (‘The School for Transition’), a leadership consultancy and training firm in the Netherlands. Jakob serves as an executive coach for the (Advanced) High Performance Leadership Program of IMD Business School (Switzerland and Singapore) and is a faculty mentor for the
Portland Institute for Loss and Transition (USA).

Jakob is a published author in the field of leadership, loss and transition. In 2019, Routledge published Jakob’s Loss, grief and attachment in Life Transitions. A Clinician’s Guide to Secure Base Counseling.

Leading In Unknown Terrain

Journal Article

Many are questioning their true calling during this “time-out,” as they experience that being overly attached to roles and activities does not lead to true joy.