Helen Titchen Beeth

After 30 years of living in Brussels and working for the European Commission as a linguist and gentle provoker of change, I have retired from organizational life and city living. I now live on a smallholding in the Flemish countryside (Belgium) in community with two close friends, where we practice conscious co-creation with place, applying the principles and methods of permaculture.
As a fully paid-up member of the Kosmos, I say ‘yes’ to resonant calls to engage in or propagate evolutionary learning, both close to home and further afield. I have a special interest in practices that can foster the emergence of collective consciousness in groups and am particularly drawn to soul-centred collective practices (such as collective presencing and collective alchemy). It goes without saying that I am not doing this alone – I am engaged in a world-wide web of conversation, collective inquiry and co-creation with practitioners of various disciplines.
In recent years I have started to respond to a strong call to return to the Wild and rediscover my pagan roots as an indigenous European, spending more time in nature and in the company of other women. I am an avid reader of Kosmos Journal!
I blog at: Integral Yeshe, Aquarian Conversations and Dorpsstraat.
Presence at the Edge of Our Practice
Journal Article
Humanity is in a time of transition, one that we can navigate successfully only with a shift in consciousness. How can we wake up from the collective neuroses that have driven our civilization into decadence and decline?
Collective Presencing: A New Human Capacity
This is the first in a series of articles introducing the phenomenon and practice of Collective Presencing, a new capacity evolving in humanity at this time. Great thinkers have foreseen its coming—we recognise it in Aurobindo’s descent of the supramental and Teil-hard de Chardin’s noosphere. But what exactly do those terms mean? Where these gifted individuals intuited and envisioned the birth of this new collective capacity at the dawn of the last century, we are now starting to be able to describe it from experience. While many might recognise the phenomenon from transpersonal group work and other such practices, so far as we are aware, this is the first attempt to articulate it as a path and a set of capacities that can be intentionally developed.