People Power

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From What Is to What If

Journal Article

Given the state of the world, the message of despair is pretty convincing. Things look grim. But something about that doesn’t sit quite right with me. In fact, there’s evidence that things can change, and that cultures can change, rapidly and unexpectedly.

greenplanet-blueplanet | Sacred Economy and Caring

Journal Article

Julian Guderley is on a quest to identify and interview the top 500 key players in the Regenerative Movement.

How We Win | Divestment and Nonviolent Direct Action

Journal Article

One reason to target a bank was the interface between the climate crisis and the economy. We observed that the economic class that sets the direction for the U.S. refuses to accept responsibility for climate consequences. By pressuring a bank to take responsibility for the consequences of its practices, we would be pushing a higher standard of behavior.

Soil Wealth and a Regenerative Green New Deal

Journal Article

How do those of us who are not fundamentally business-minded nor trained in soliciting investments become more adept and sophisticated in obtaining funding to scale up our regenerative economy? How do we prove to investors that there is a strategic, indeed existential imperative to consider investments that not only are socially responsible and good for the environment but also build the essential new regenerative economy?

The Evolutionary Potential of Wealth

Journal Article

Right now, the greatest generational wealth transfer in human history is underway. Over the next 25 years, 45 million U.S. households will pass a mind-boggling $68 trillion to their children. Can Brian Swimme's cosmological model point young inheritors toward a new vision for giving during this pivotal evolutionary moment?

Hitching for Hope, with Ruairí McKiernan

Journal Article

I think there’s a great moment upon us now, whereby all the rules are being disrupted. I was about to say a rewritten, but they’re not rewritten yet.

Freedom and Energy from Healing White Racism

Journal Article

Friends of color tell me they want primarily two things from white people: to show up for justice and to do our own work with white people at dismantling racism.

Gaza on My Mind

Journal Article

l am an American who, like the poet Hughes, has sworn that someday America will be the country where our ideals of liberty and justice for all people will be achieved. It is vital to me that US foreign policy confirms and reflects these ideals. As I once opposed the bombing of the Vietnamese and then the Iraqis, I now oppose the US financed bombing of Gaza and uphold the right of Palestinians to self-determination.

With Four Freedoms, Four Responsibilities

Journal Article

"'We the People' means that my freedom depends on your freedom. Similarly, if freedom for one of us is removed or restricted, it jeopardizes freedom for us all—and for the larger democratic principles we all hold dear. That’s why, when we live in a free society, we are charged with protecting freedom for one another through our responsibilities to one another."

How to Have a Community Conversation

Journal Article

A growing number of community organizers, hoping to bring neighborhoods together, have successfully used Community Conversations to work through differences and resolve local issues within their neighborhood or larger region.