Alnoor Ladha

Alnoor Ladha

Alnoor Ladha is co-director of the Transition Resource Circle and co-author of the book Post Capitalist Philanthropy: Healing Wealth in the Time of Collapse.

Alnoor’s work focuses on the intersection of political organizing, systems thinking, structural change and narrative work. He was the co-founder and Executive Director of The Rules, a global network of activists, organizers, designers, coders, researchers, writers and others focused on changing the rules that create inequality, poverty and climate change. TR started in 2012 as a time-bound project and an experiment in temporary organizational design, exploring new ways of how to work, play, and make trouble together.

Alnoor comes from a Sufi lineage and writes about the crossroads of politics and spirituality in troubled times. His work has been published in Al Jazeera, The Guardian, Truthout, Fast Company, Kosmos Journal, New Internationalist, and the Huffington Post among others. He is the Council Chair of Culture Hack Labs, a co-operatively run advisory for social movements and progressive organizations.

Ineffective Rationalism and Effective Alibis | Part 1

Journal Article

In this two-part essay, Ladha and Murphy track the rise of the Effective Altruism and Longtermism movements, and their current influence shaping philanthropy and policy. The essay reveals how the underlying logic and approaches of these “extreme rationalists” is structured to avoid addressing the root causes of social issues.

Ineffective Rationalism and Effective Alibis | Part 2

Journal Article

Moving beyond the narrow metrics and techno-utopian fantasies of the Effective Altruism and Longtermism movements, and through a systemic and historical lens, Part Two of this essay advocates for an alternative logic, one expressed through a post-capitalist approach to philanthropy.

The Deschooling Dialogues | Ayahuasca and Other Pathways of Perception

Journal Article

Daniel | Since I started this whole journey…it’s felt to me that there is the potential that we, in this lifetime, can somehow make a kind of quantum, mutational leap into another dimensional realization.

Mystical Anarchism, a Spiritual Biography

Journal Article

Alnoor | When people ask me, “what’s the most important thing I can do,” I often say to people, especially in the spiritual community: to understand how neoliberalism works. We must understand how capitalism works because it is the very oxygen in which we are breathing. It has intermediated every aspect of our lives.

Philanthropy as a Territory of Transition

Journal Article

This article focuses on philanthropy as a territory of transition, rebalancing wealth, knowledge and power while repairing historical injustices. It explores that philanthropy can exacerbates our current exploitative system through undemocratic and unaccountable processes; by increasing endowments through existing market mechanisms; and through a lack of imagination on how to support the requisite paradigm shifts.

Blueprints for Men

Journal Article

Ever the rugged individualists of myth and legend, we men are content to run the race with our broken conditioning rather than step into the unknown. Unfortunately, success in this race is not an individual event; it’s a team sport that impacts our communities.

Deschooling Dialogues: On Initiation, Trauma and Ritual with Francis Weller

Journal Article

Alnoor Ladha interviews Francis Weller, a psychotherapist, writer and activist who pioneered the method of soul-centered psychotherapy.

Oppression, Interconnection, and Healing

Journal Article

Charles Eisenstein: The Amazon is where Gaia’s memory of health still exists. And if that can be preserved, there will always be hope. If there is one healthy region that still has integrity, then it can teach the rest of the world to be healthy again.

What is Solidarity?

Journal Article

As we start to see how all oppression is connected, we can also start to see glimpses of how all healing is connected. And that our own liberation is not only bound up with that of others but that our collective future is dependent on it.

The Deschooling Dialogues: Grief, Collapse, and Mysticism

Journal Article

Alnoor: …There is no doubt that we are in the midst of unprecedented moment where there is no return to old certainties. Part of this pain that we are facing in the world is a pathway toward transformation. Or will we perish in the horror of the onslaught that we are facing?

Life After Patriarchy: Three Reflections on the Coming Revolution

News Item

Advising Editor Alnoor Ladha has written a provocative essay with the support of One Billion Rising in observance of International Women’s Day on March 8. One Billion Rising is celebrating its sixth year of risings with a radical video: ‘My Revolution Lives In This Body’

“If we look at the broader currents of what is happening, we are seeing a profound shift in values away from what has often been called dominator logic. This is not just a re-balancing of masculine versus feminine values, but a redefining of the central tension of anti-life versus life-centric values that are at the very core of our global operating system.” – Alnoor Ladha

See the video.

Seeing Wetiko: On Capitalism, Mind Viruses, and Antidotes for a World in Transition


By Alnoor Ladha
What if we told you that humanity is being driven to the brink of extinction by an illness? That all the poverty, the climate devastation, the perpetual war, and consumption fetishism we see all around us have roots in a mass psychological infection?

Killing the Caterpillar: Competing Worldviews at the Chrysalis Stage of Humanity

News Item

By Alnoor Ladha

The Collapse of Western Civilization
Naomi Oreskes and Erik Conway
Columbia University Press, 2014

Terra Nova: Global Revolution and the Healing of Love
Dieter Duhm
Verlag Meiga Press, 2015

Two recent books provide striking contrasts in their modality of intervention.