Nancy Earle

Nancy Earle’s work has appeared in exhibits in galleries, divinity schools, libraries and theater foyers and retreat centers throughout the United States. Her colorful paintings have been exhibited at the National Liturgical Arts Council in Chicago (1984), the Ohio Biennial (1985), the Sacramento Liturgical Exhibit (1986), the International Earth Ethics Forum in Tampa, Florida (1991), the “Earth and Spirit Conference” in Jacksonville, Florida (1992), and at a special invitational exhibit entitled “Remembering the Columbus Encounter” at Bucknell University, Pennsylvania (1992).
She has had exhibits at Harvard Divinity and Episcopal Divinity in Boston. She has received an Award of Excellence (1986) and Honorable Mention from ML Modern Liturgy magazine, and she won first prize at the Sacred Art Exhibition in Brunswick, Georgia (1996). Additional exhibitions include: The Gruppe Gallery in Jericho, VT. and the Blue Hill Hospital in Blue hill, ME. and the Clare Gallery in Hartford, CT.
Her paintings have appeared in ANIMA and The Other Side magazines as well as Joan Chittister’s book, Heart of Flesh: A Feminist Spirituality for Women and Men (2000). Her work also appears on the covers of the 20th Anniversary issue of Morton Kelsey’s The Other Side of Silence, Megan McKenna’s book, She Who Brings Peace and magazines for the Center of Action and Contemplation in Albuquerque, NM.
She has made 2 DVD’s of her work, Scent of the Earth and We are Each a Great Song as well as 12 paintings to Iris Prints. In addition she has her work on several new cover jackets from Orbis Press. Commissioned works by Nancy Earle are hung in churches in Texas, Minnesota, W. Virginia and New Mexico and her paintings are in private collections throughout the United States. The Garden Gallery in Londonderry, Vermont has represented her work.
New Visions Give Hope in Dire Times
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All our creativity and imagination must come together to create something new that lasts.