Article Wayfinding

Profound Call from the Sacred Earth Council to All Humanity    

“It is prophesied in our Instructions that the end of the world will be near when the trees start
dying from the tops down. That’s what the maples are doing today. Our Instructions say the time
will come when there will be no corn, when nothing will grow in the garden, when the water will
be unfit to drink…
We were instructed to carry a love for one another and to show great respect for all beings of the earth…In our ways, spiritual consciousness is the highest form of politics…
We must live in harmony with the Natural World and recognize that excessive exploitation can only lead to our own destruction. We cannot trade the welfare of our future generations for profit now…
We must stand together, the four sacred colors of man, as the one family that we are, in the
interest of peace. We must abolish nuclear and conventional weapons of war…
We must raise leaders of peace. We must unite the religions of the world as the spiritual force strong enough to prevail in peace.
We are the spiritual energy that is a thousand times stronger than nuclear energy. Our energy is the combined will of all people with the spirit of the Natural World, to be of one body, one heart, and one mind for peace.”
–Leon Shenandoah, Tadodaho, Onondaga leader
(Address at the UN Cry of the Earth 1993 Conference)


The Sacred Earth Council is emerging through dreams, visions, and synchronicities as a self-organized circle of diverse participants who share a commitment of service to humankind, Mother Earth, and all beings that inhabit her and grounded in a sense of the sacredness of all things. The council welcomes participation by individuals from all spiritual traditions and is open to all who feel a call to participate. – Ejna Fleury on behalf of the Sacred Earth Council  

Thou Beloved Ones –

This is an invitation to gather together:
You most compassionate, inspiring, shining ones; leaders renowned for wisdom, courage, peace, joy, beauty, and love; who are stalwart in service and live in cherished repute.

A leader, but not yet finished leading,
Giving voice and standing for so many, but needing more expanse and your representation to grow
Challenged mightily; responding constantly and now called to your greatest challenge of all
Beloved to millions and needing to touch so many more, indeed all
Treasured, cherished, and to be revered even more
You, Thou, we . . .  NOW are called to the most important work of your/our lives. 
We honor you as our most cherished and cherishing of humanity; our most respected and respectful of all peoples; our most powerfully compassionate; our deeply gifted and generous hearted servants in every domain of human endeavor; our most honored and revered advocates of peace; our human citadels of truth, kindness and justice; our most beloved of us all.
Individually you are mighty; but together you can become a 

This is an invitation to Act!

As you coalesce in mutual resonance of purpose
To Lead in a new manner we have not yet imagined;
To Inspire and be inspired by potentials we have not yet known;
To love more deeply yourselves/ourselves, our Earth, our lives, all Life
To give our progeny, our descendants a beautiful tomorrow.
Let us launch a great global ethos of love and compassion, become a captivating presence of creativity, power, devotion, and inspired intention and take the helm of this Great Change; our awakening;  this Evolutionary Leap we are destined to make.
We need a great tidal wave of change swathed in Loving Brilliance to honor our planet and humanity.

Image by Patricio González from Pixabay

Repairing the Earth and the Family of Humanity


We honor, evoke, and expand the growing Ethos of Love that is already making itself known across cultures and peoples. We engender and are endearing hope, nurturance, inspiration, guidance, and deep integrity. We call forth peace, love, understanding and compassion. The comforting, the grace and the depth of our love; our capacity to forgive; our commitment to heal, and our courage to gain wisdom are encircling our entire human family as we make amends with one another and amends to, with, for our beloved Earth.


 We call forth a new leadership; compassionate, inclusive, integrous, collaborative planetary leadership. We are an inter-linked global family; indeed, planetary citizens.  We need inspired global thinking, planning, leaders and way-showers. We challenge national leaders, local leaders, all leaders into deeper integrity, wisdom, and mature leadership.


We cherish life, ourselves and one another.  We celebrate human love, intelligence, creativity, our inherent brilliance, talents/gifts and vitality. We dispel and end the great suppression of our human capacity to flourish in every way. 

To this end we disseminate and universally share as much wisdom, teachings, healings, knowledge, and opportunities as we possibly can. Let us disseminate all our knowledge and wisdom to every single human being. 


We call for the end of global violence, patriarchy of colonialism, abuse of power, child abuse, spousal abuse, incest, economic in-equality, racism, torture, genocide, massacre, abomination, slavery, human trafficking and war. We acknowledge, grieve, and lament own our self-hatred, self-immolation, self-torture, and genetic suicide. We espouse and call forth healing, wisdom, restorative justice, empathy, truth and reconciliation; great atonement and forgiveness in every sphere and level of human endeavor.  Ceremonies, councils, counsels, circles of healing, grieving, cleansing, atonement and forgiveness will be held across every land.


Within the majesty of Great Love, we announce our willingness to be guides and way-showers for the equality of all humanity and to bring forth our collective voice.  We bring cohesion and organization to the great swell of growing activism across the world. We champion the end of domestic violence and establishment of family accord: ending the suppression and abuse of toxic patriarchy upon men, women and children; and the establishment of justice first at home and into the community at large. We bring balance between man and woman and the inherent equality of each planetary citizen.  We intend that each individual have sovereignty and a voice.  We are igniting and supporting action from the grassroots to the global; the personal to the collective; and from the mundane to the sacred.

This emerging Sacred Earth Council is coalescing a powerful dynamic of devoted leadership not yet seen on earth. Each person on this council already has an expansive network of activity, support and service. The synergy of our coming together and our timely mission will have challenges and great surprises for us.  The council will broaden and deepen the synergistic reach of healing and transformation so desperately needed and that is already in progress across our planet. Our gathering and leadership will have exponential effects on the work of all. Our goal is to reach, teach, and help heal our entire human family.  Our goal is to move into mature leadership for the betterment of all life.

A crucial element of our council is our very conscious relationship with Great Mystery; with the impulse of evolution and thrust of creation; the great mystery of life, the deepest beloved and mysterious unknown. Mystery: Whence comes the “spark” of life in our breath; whence comes the ignition of our heart in the womb; whence our breath takes leave when we seem to die.  This council is an integral part of the Great Turning as we all come ‘home:’ home to peace, home to justice, home to the truth; we are all family; in Love with creation and with one another.

These most challenging times are awakening the sleeping mystery within us; the sleeping warrior, the slumbering genius, the passionate healer, the shy lover, the forgetful magician, the blinded priest, and the fumbling arbiter of wisdom and justice. 

Some Foundational Understandings


Humanity is in denial of its great multi-generational trauma and wounds. There are great roles played by unconscious multi-millennial war, hatred, rage, and bitterness; deep millennial grief; and far-ranging abuse of physical, psychological, emotional, and spiritual power.  We have perpetrated and continue to unconsciously and consciously commit great abominations and atrocities for power, control and money.  The majority of our social structures maintain this great denial and perpetuate the status quo of hierarchical abuse.  As this is named, exposed and acknowledged, we can heal and change. We are already wealthy beyond imagination, belief or longings.

Humanity is largely ‘out of control’ in its self-abuse: abuse of power, abuse of life, and abuse of Earth.  We have not yet collectively discovered the infinite Love flowing, streaming constantly from Earth, our Sun, our Solar Family and our Great Milky Way Galaxy, Deep Mystery.   We have not yet allowed ourselves to fall into this love with one another, the great family of humankind.  We are NOT yet functioning in honor of life, the mystery of life, nor humility nor thankfulness before creation.

War is a crime against humanity.  It is indeed a heinous practice so deeply embedded in cultures for so many millennia, that we have lost sight of and contact with our true selves in its wrenching, maiming, twisting wake.  Many believe that war is just ‘part of human nature.’  This is in fact far from the truth.  We shall grow to practice war no more!  We shall blossom, be ignited in the mystery of creation to become the sacred beings whom we truly are!

Liminal Soup of Transformation

As the butterfly and moth enter the chrysalis and cocoon, we are now within this liminal space together as a planetary species.  Many of us are already gaining more consciousness to be under growing mission and direction in this liminal space.  As we heal the genetic wounding of the millennia, we free our subtle and physical bodies to undergo genetic triggering of all of our entire genetic make-up and coding; our entire chain of DNA.  These are and there have always been vibratory patterns with “keys” “triggers” that govern unfoldment: each living thing unfolds from life itself.  We are entering a greater unfolding within evolution.

We are each a treasured sunlit particle; a luminous thread for knitting that Mystery will use as we are transformed in our consciousness, our values, our relationships, our institutions, our whole human interactive framework.  It is already in process and is spreading in a synchronous symphony across every land and in every heart.


Humanity is a great spiritual presence and life force in the truth of our essence.  This is almost universally unknown, forgotten, and certainly historically ignored long enough.  It is time to acknowledge: Humankind is a multi-dimensional, universal, and limitless Divine Spirit of  Love, Power, Majesty, Wisdom, Beauty and Glory.

About Grandmother Ejna Jean Fleury

Greetings to you my Relative(s)!
Miniconjou, Oglala, Hunkpapa, and Ihanktonwan of Great Sioux Nation
Enrolled member of Crow Creek Sioux Tribe, South Dakota
Mystic, Visionary and Ceremonialist
First Peace Ambassador Crow Creek Sioux Tribe
Founder of Crow Creek Kunsi/Unci Grandmothers Society

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