Nancy Seifer

Nancy Seifer is co-author of When the Soul Awakens: The Path to Spiritual Evolution and a New World Era (2008), and co-founder of A student of the Ageless Wisdom teachings for decades, she has recently been involved in efforts to apply these teachings in groups exploring the shift to soul identity. Earlier in life she was a Peace Corps volunteer, political activist, and writer on women and cultural diversity.
The Soul of Humanity and the New Civilization
For the very first time, as growing numbers of us enter more fully into soul awareness, we are developing the inner resources to subdue the powerful forces of our animal nature—instinct, passion, and all the insatiable desires of the lower self that have governed human history until now. It is foreseen in the Ageless Wisdom teachings that in time, as mastery of the lesser nature is achieved and human identity shifts from matter to spirit, we will learn to live consciously in the world as souls, reflecting the love and light of the higher Self in every aspect of our lives.