Marge Wurgel

Marge Wurgel

Marge Wurgel is a Buddhist practitioner in the Plum Village Tradition of Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh and was one of the founders of the Plant-Powered Earth Holders in that tradition. She sees her most important roles in life as learning to live consciously, healthfully, spiritually, and lovingly toward herself, others, and the planet. She puts a lot of energy into eating well and shows her sacred connection to the Earth by making daily plant-based food choices that honor her animal brothers and sisters and the planet itself. Marge teaches vegan cooking classes and supports people in moving toward a plant-centered diet.

Eating as if Life and the Planet Mattered

Journal Article

Marge | I believe that humans have a very vital, beautiful role by being part of this planet- this living community. I think our role is to use our awareness, our great combination of intelligence and heart to create a harmonious environment for all living beings and non-living beings.