Aurora Leon

Aurora Leon

Aurora Leon was born in Mexico. Right now lives in Connecticut where she practices as a plant-based primary care physician. Every weekend she goes to MorningSun Mindfulness center which is a lay practice center in the Plum Village tradition. She loves to hike and run. She is an OI member, helps facilitate sanghas, was a co-founder of Wake Up NY, participates in the plant-powered branch of the Earth Holders Sangha, Sangha de las Americas, organizes retreats in MorningSun and helped to organize the Wake Up tour in Latin America in 2014, Mexico in 2016, and Appalachian Trail Retreat in 2018.

Eating as if Life and the Planet Mattered

Journal Article

Marge | I believe that humans have a very vital, beautiful role by being part of this planet- this living community. I think our role is to use our awareness, our great combination of intelligence and heart to create a harmonious environment for all living beings and non-living beings.