Joe Lightfoot

Joe Lightfoot

I’m a writer, podcaster and cultivator of community.
I was born in London but now live between Australia & Thailand.
I have a mild fear of kites.
I’m deeply enamored with the Enneagram.
I’ve had three major phases of my adult life so far. They include The Young ‘Achiever’ Phase (18-22), The Esoteric Questing & Dark Night Of The Soul Phase (23-27) and The Community Cultivator Phase (28-34).
The seeds for this most recent phase were planted back in 2008 during a chance encounter in Central Brazil.
I’m often found in either Melbourne, Mullumbimby or sitting on rocks in Chiang Mai.

I’m dedicated towards cultivating new kinds of mutual aid community. I also write books and articles, record podcasts and host conversational forums that explore similar themes. I’m hugely inspired by the emergence of a truly regenerative planetary culture and I’m fascinated by the inner journey of transformation that seems to be required for each of us to fully show up for this system wide metamorphosis. I chose to frame this process as one of becoming Communal Creatures. If you’re wondering exactly what it means to be a Community Creature, then hold tight, because that’s the topic of my next book.

Find the Others | Start A Conscious Change Collective

Journal Article

The central idea is to form a trust network of relationships with a group of people that share the same core values, and then to cultivate as many opportunities as possible to share meaningful experiences with one another…and work together to bring about radical and positive change across wider society.