A Circle of Women

Marilyn Daniels is a writer, artist, transformative educator, coach & facilitator. https://www.wisdomleadershipstudio.com
Elinor Dickson, PhD, is a psychologist, workshop leader and author. Co-author with Marion Woodman of Dancing in the Flames: The Dark Goddess in the Transformation of Consciousness (1997), she is also author of Dancing at the Still Point: Marion Woodman, SOPHIA and Me – A Friendship Remembered (2019). Her forthcoming book is Wisdom vs Extinction: Humanity’s Final Challenge.
Cassandra Leoncini is a writer, astrological counselor, and earth-based ceremonial facilitator. https://www.twoeaglesastrology.com
Andrea Mathieson is a writer, musician, and creator of the Raven Essence project. She recently published The Book of Snake. https://ravenessences.ca and https://www.andreamathieson.com
Hele Montagna is a former CBC radio producer and owner of Timewalker Productions.
Crone Wisdom | The Soul of Community
Journal Article
Andrea Mathieson, well known for building community through her women’s circles and webinars, recently invited four remarkable women to share some of the unique crone wisdom they had collected over decades of community involvement.