KOSMOS LIVE Podcast | Deepak Chopra on Conscious Evolution
KOSMOS LIVE PODCAST SERIES Preparing for Profound Change
This podcast series, Preparing for Profound Change, explores the shifting global landscape and offers strategies for coping with what lies ahead. Economic turmoil, climate chaos, political upheaval – these may seem like forces to fear, but in fact offer us deep opportunities for transformation.
Episode 8 – Deepak Chopra on Conscious Evolution
Dr. Deepak Chopra is Founder of The Chopra Foundation and the Chopra Center for Wellbeing, and a world-renowned pioneer in mind-body medicine and personal transformation. He is Board Certified in Internal Medicine, Endocrinology and Metabolism and a Fellow of the American College of Physicians. Dr. Chopra has authored more than 80 books, published in more than 43 languages, including 22 New York Times best sellers.
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“Science is a double-edged sword. It’s both divine and diabolical. It can destroy the world, but it can also repair the world if our emotional and spiritual evolution keep pace with the progress that science makes. But there’s a disconnect. The scientists are not interested in self-awareness or don’t even ask who is doing the science. What is it that knows the experience of mind/body/universe? What is experience? What is the experience of doing science itself? Science doesn’t talk about experience. Science only talks about that which is observed, and the mechanisms of that which is observed never ask who’s observing and why.”
“Everyone has to be realistic, and mood making is a big danger, especially in spiritual circles. You pretend to be positive and you’re feeling miserable. You have to be realistic. What you have to do is you have to practice. You have to have a discipline, a spiritual discipline of self-reflection, which is asking yourself meaningful questions like ‘Who am I? What do I want? What is the purpose and meaning of existence? What is my contribution? What is my story? Can we have a different story? What does a good relationship mean? What does a friendship mean? Who are the role models in history, mythology, religion, that we can look up to? What are your unique skills and talents and how do we use them to the service of humanity?'”
“Once we started to use labels and language and descriptions to explain experiences, and tell stories, then that story manifested as the human universe, but it also made us extremely powerful in evolution, so we became a permanently victorious species. A permanently victorious species disturbs the ecosystem, which is a very delicate, fine-tuned, balanced organic system of life. A permanently victorious species risks its own extinction. We are at that point. We have to decide whether we evolve to the next stage of human evolution, through conscious evolution.”
“We have to go deep into our essential nature, which is pure consciousness, which is infinite creativity, which is evolving at its own pace, but which we can accelerate. Rare, yes, if we have to use a word, then love would be the ultimate truth at the heart of creation, but love not as a sentiment or an emotion, love as the knowingness that is only one in the deeper reality that we are members of one body, members of one mind, and members of one consciousness.”
Links for this Podcast
Books by Deepak Chopra
You Are the Universe: Discovering Your Cosmic Self and Why It Matters
The Future of God: A Practical Approach to Spirituality for Our Times
The Spontaneous Fulfillment of Desire
In Kosmos Journal
An Interview with Deepak Chopra: You Are the Universe
Referenced in this Podcast

Balancing a sober understanding of the of the collective challenges we face, with heart-centered response, calls for deep awakening by individuals, communities and societies. Our guests share their personal practices, strategies, and insights to help us manage our strong emotions and step forward to play positive proactive roles during these troubling times.
What skills, competencies and capacities will be most valued in the new world? How can our own inner practices keep us free from anxiety as we prepare body, mind and spirit for profound change? See other episodes in this series here.