Graham Meltzer

Graham Meltzer

Graham Meltzer has been a builder, architect, educator, researcher, author, photographer, and conference organiser. He has lived a total of 30 years in intentional communities including the last 15 in the spiritual ecovillage at Findhorn. His doctorate, based on cohousing, considered the link between communal living and environmental praxis. Graham is a humanist and Marxist who eschewed privatised mainstream options in favour of more socialised and egalitarian ones. He has published books on cohousing, love and sexuality, the Findhorn community, and most recently, a memoir titled, A Meaningful Life.

Living Communally

Journal Article

As a long-time communal dweller, I know in my bones, mind, and heart, that a nurturing extended family of mostly unrelated individuals is the ideal social grouping for the human species.