David Fideler

David Fideler has worked as an editor, college professor, educational consultant, and the director of a humanities center. He studied ancient Greek philosophy and Mediterranean religions at the University of Pennsylvania and holds a PhD in philosophy and the history of science and cosmology.
David is the author of Restoring the Soul of the World: Our Living Bond With Nature’s Intelligence (2014), editor of the Cosmopolis Project website, and editor of the humanities journal Alexandria: Cosmology, Philosophy, Myth, and Culture.
A recognized authority on the Pythagorean school, Fideler contributed encyclopedia articles on Pythagoras and Pythagoreanism to Classical and Medieval Literature Criticism (1997) and The New Dictionary of the History of Ideas (2004).
Truth that Affirms and Regenerates All Life
Journal Article
We must discover (or rediscover) a field of common experience and knowledge that is similar in scope but fundamentally different from scientific and spiritual materialism.
The Indwelling Spirit
Journal Article
Our spiritual commons includes the pure positive potential that flows upward from the Indwelling Spirit into our personal field of consciousness where it manifests as humanity’s eight positive core qualities of thought and action