Betsey Crawford

Betsey Crawford

After 60 years in southern New York, Betsey Crawford took off in an RV to have adventures. A landscape designer and environmental activist, she now roams the west—from the Mexican border to Alaska—hiking and taking photographs, especially of wildflowers. She posts photos and celebrates nature, beauty, wildness, and spirit on her website, The Soul of the Earth.

Rights of Nature

Journal Article

There are enormous questions and hurdles to contemplate. Does the mountain have the right to exist without being blasted with dynamite for coal or roads? Does the air have the right to be free of the mercury and sulfur in coal smoke?

Active Hope | Time with Joanna Macy

Journal Article

She is close to ninety, and I wanted to be able to work with her before she completely passes the baton to others.

It Couldn’t Be Clearer

Journal Article

It’s through this imagining that we open to the power of interrelatedness and allow it to operate ever more fully through us. Our imagination expands the concept of care. It redefines priorities and values.