
Explore our archive of articles on Spirituality.

Realigning with Earth Wisdom

Journal Article

In this edition of Kosmos, you will find the wisdom of the elephant and the hummingbird, indigenous wisdom, the knowledge of the farmer, the mystic, the scientist. Tree wisdom. Ocean wisdom. Glacier wisdom.

Notes Toward New Religions

Journal Article

In my view, the fact that we can’t identify further evidence for a transcendent purpose shouldn’t keep us from embracing it, because most of what will become the totality of human knowledge still awaits discovery.

Reclaiming Spiritual Wholeness

Journal Article

Despite core teachings of love and nonviolence, in both Eastern and Western scriptures, story after story and commandment after commandment idealize the infliction or suffering of pain.

Awakening to Life

Journal Article

Can we wake up in time to appreciate our collective identity and participate in something greater than our fixed selves?

Thoughtforms | The materialization of sustained ideas

Journal Article

When we learn to consistently take our attention away from the “particle world” of matter and focus on the “wave world” of frequency and vibration, we become aware of a broader range of frequencies that offer access to dimensions beyond the world of form.

What Would Hagia Sophia Say?

Journal Article

The Hagia Sophia symbolizes wisdom and mystery. Its reconversion into a mosque triggered many contrary reactions. An essay to grasp the essence of this great monument.

CRAZYWISE | Shamanic Mysticism and Mental Wellness

Journal Article

Phil Borges’ recent project, CRAZYWISE, explores the relevance of Shamanic traditional practices and beliefs to those of us living in the modern world.

The Galileo Project

Journal Article

The world today is dominated by science and by its underlying assumptions, which are seldom articulated even though they generate not only a methodology but also a worldview or philosophy.

The Selling of the Soul

Journal Article

Addictions are an indication of where we still long to be loved. What the selling of the soul has in common with trouble and craving is the instant gratification that the ego thrives on.

The Deschooling Dialogues: Grief, Collapse, and Mysticism

Journal Article

Alnoor: ...There is no doubt that we are in the midst of unprecedented moment where there is no return to old certainties. Part of this pain that we are facing in the world is a pathway toward transformation. Or will we perish in the horror of the onslaught that we are facing?