Wolfgang Aurose

Wolfgang Aurose

Wolfgang Aurose. MA, is a German/American author. He studied Anthropology and History in Berlin and traveled as a jounalist for relief organisations in Africa and Asia. For many years he worked as an executive for the international Auroville township network. In Germany Wolfgang Aurose wrote an award-winning book about the German soul with an expanded follow-up volume in the USA. Since 2011 together with his partner Soleil Aurose he offered workshops about the “Soul of your Nation“ to members of more than 24 countries. Websites are www.sunwolfcreations.com and www.facebook.com/wolfgang.aurose. 

The Soul of Nations

Journal Article

What is urgently needed is a unifying and updated understanding of what a nation is today, and what it has to become in order to contribute to what might be a shared and peaceful future world.