Hai-An (Sister Ocean)

Hai-An (Sister Ocean) is a fully ordained Buddhist monastic based in Toronto, Ontario. She received her novice ordination from Thich Nhat Hanh 2012 and full ordination in 2016, training at Plum Village Monastery in France and Blue Cliff Monastery in New York State. She left her monastery in 2018 and now carries the teachings of Plum Village while blending them with the Theravada tradition, mystical Christianity, and social justice teachings. She loves supporting people in practical and creative ways to develop mindfulness, compassion, and joy in daily life. She is a member of Dharma Pathways, connecting monastics to lay communities, and of the ARISE Sangha, dedicated to bringing racial justice to the forefront of the Plum Village community. www.dharmapathways.org
Breakfast Table Revelation
Journal Article
The vision lasted only a few seconds but it left me dizzy and I held the table to steady myself. Glancing around, the dining hall still looked the same but it felt new. I felt new.