Bruna Kadletz

Bruna Kadletz is a humanitarian worker who serves displaced communities across the globe—in Turkey, Greece, South Africa, Brazil, and remote regions of the Amazon. a In commentary series titled “Displaced and Disposable” on, she argued that current laws and social attitudes disenfranchise refugee populations to the point of dehumanizing them as expendable commodities.

Restoring Humane Values through Activism


In 2012, I went to the Sahara Desert seeking a spiritual experience. In my wild imagination, the emptiness of the […]

Restoring Humane Values through Activism


In 2012, I went to the Sahara Desert seeking a spiritual experience. In my wild imagination, the emptiness of the […]

Philoxenia: The Art of Expressing Love and Friendship to Strangers

News Item

By Bruna Kadletz, on the profound power of hospitality – published in the Fall | Winter 2016 edition of Kosmos Journal

“Disguised as poor travellers, Zeus and Hermes visited many villages in search of refuge for the night. Residents repeatedly turned the gods away. Everyone regarded them as uninvited guests except a poor elderly couple—Baucis and Philemon. The couple welcomed them as guests in their home and generously served them food and wine. After refilling her guests’ cups many times over, Baucis noticed that the wine jug was still full. “