Climate, Consciousness and Community | A Kosmos Summit

Join us! | April 20-23, 2019

We invite you to join us for four days of deep learning, healing, and sharing, in Media, Pennsylvania, (near Philadelphia), for the Kosmos Climate, Consciousness, and Community Summit. Engage in intimate dialogue and reflection as we confront hard truths and deep emotions about the converging crises we face on Earth, our home. We will convene in the beautiful, thriving Transition Town of Media, Pennsylvania.

There is a 100 attendee limit.

Learn about our town!

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Kosmos Climate, Consciousness, and Community Summit
April 20-23, in Media, Pennsylvania (convenient to Philadelphia)
Send no money now | No obligation
Official Registration begins March 1.

* indicates required

Look for more information soon about accommodations, directions, and details of the Summit program.

Themes of the conference
  • Facing climate reality and intersectionality
  • Working with grief
  • Reconnecting to Life, joy and beauty
  • Renewing our resolve through community

Our speakers, performers and panelists range from indigenous healers, climate leaders, pipeline resisters, interspiritual facilitators, local-economy activists, artists, farmers, teachers, and more.

Interested in Presenting? Volunteering? | inquire at:

Our intimate Summit will also coincide with Findhorn’s CCC19 Conference, and we will receive streamed Keynotes from Findhorn Community in Scotland, including Bill McKibben, Vandana ShivaCharles Eisenstein, and others.

Cost –  Full Summit: $180 | Single Day Pass: $60
Some financial aid available.

Official Registration begins March 1. You will receive an email.

All other inquiries |

“For all our human flaws, we are in co-creation with the evolving Earth Story. Now we face a tremendous test. Cultivating joy, courage and gratitude is essential in preparing for what lies ahead. Join us as we align our hearts with Life, beauty, and harmony to help build resilient communities. This is the mission of Kosmos, and this is my hope for this Summit!”  – Rhonda Fabian, Kosmos Editor and Summit Convener