Jennifer Browdy

Jennifer Browdy

Jennifer Browdy, Ph.D. is a professor of comparative literature and media studies at Bard College at Simon’s Rock, where she has taught for more than 20 years. Her new memoir, What I Forgot …And Why I Remembered, is accompanied by her writer’s guide, The Elemental Journey of Purposeful Memoir, a 2017 Nautilus Award Winner. The author of many articles and book chapters, she is the editor of three anthologies of global women’s writing, as well as the online magazine Fired Up! Creative Expression for Challenging Times. Along with her online course, The Elemental Journey of Purposeful Memoir, Jennifer offers workshops in purposeful memoir internationally, as well as author-coaching, editing, and manuscript review. She writes two blogs: Transition Times, on social and environmental justice; and Writing Life, on the art and craft of purposeful memoir. Find out more at

Purposeful Memoir as a Path to Alignment

Journal Article

Most people think of memoir as a recounting of what we already know about our lives. But, in fact, what we already know is only the beginning of the journey of what I call purposeful memoir.

The Paradox of Wise Activism

Journal Article

Somewhat paradoxically, to be effective change agents on the planet, the best thing we can do—for ourselves and for our beloved world—is to keep our spirits high.