Health and Wellness

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Climate Reports

Journal Article

The power and abundance of our Earth can never be overstated; what is commonly overlooked is humanity's exploitation and neglect of its own life source.

Healing Sound with Jesse Paris Smith

Journal Article

Sound and music are very powerful, and we as emotional beings are sensitive to what we hear. We do not only hear with our ears but with our whole bodies.

Consumption As The Path

Journal Article

I had to consume everything. I had to try every possible avenue of filling the God-sized hole from the outside before I could even fathom the possibility that the emptiness and energy swimming through the cosmos was the same emptiness and energy swimming inside of me.

Green Medicine

Journal Article

I use photography as a tool to explore the raw elemental power of the natural world by visiting and re-visiting places I’m drawn to in order to be touched by their spiritual essence.

Eldering in the Age of Consumption

Journal Article

Perhaps more than anything, to become elder is to be comfortable with your place in the world.

Tending the Wild

Journal Article

What looked to European settlers like untamed wilderness was actually the product of millennia of intentional human influence. Calling it wilderness, or “virgin territory,” gave them license to occupy it, cultivate it, “develop” it, and “improve” it.

The Four Nutriments

Journal Article

BOOK | Farming for the Long Haul

Journal Article

Farmers in urban civilizations have always been subject to powers beyond them. Indeed, there is ample evidence that urban civilizations were invariably built on the conquest and subjection of farming cultures. Our current food industry grew out of the defeat of farmers’ efforts in the late nineteenth century to win fair prices for their production.

Killing Us Softly

Journal Article's hard to be part of this fossil fuel poisoning, which, ultimately, is a collective suicide. I wish I knew how to save our species, but nobody could save Mr. Stone, or the classmate our daughter lost in high school, or the family friend who left the note pinned to his shirt.

Eating as if Life and the Planet Mattered

Journal Article

Marge | I believe that humans have a very vital, beautiful role by being part of this planet- this living community. I think our role is to use our awareness, our great combination of intelligence and heart to create a harmonious environment for all living beings and non-living beings.