Robert Sardello

Robert Sardello, PhD is co-founder of The School of Spiritual Psychology. He is author of Facing
the World with Soul, Love and the Soul (re-issued as Love and the
World), Freeing the Soul from Fear, The Power of Soul: Living the
Twelve Virtues,
and the recently published Silence. He
served as Chairman of the Department of Psychology at the University of
Dallas, head of the Institute of Philosophic studies there, and
graduate dean. He is also co-founder and faculty member of The Dallas
Institute of Humanities and Culture, author of over 200 articles in
scholarly journals and cultural publications, and was on the faculty of
The Chalice of Repose Project in Missoula, Mt. Having developed
spiritual psychology based from over 35 years of research in this
discipline, as well as holding positions in two universities, he is now
an independent teacher and scholar teaching all over the U.S., Canada,
and the U.K., as well as in The Czech Republic, the Philippines and
Australia. He is a consultant to many educational and cultural
institutions, as well as dissertation advisor at numerous academic