Kosha Joubert

Kosha Joubert

Kosha Joubert, MSc, serves as Executive Director of the Global Ecovillage Network. She has many years of experience as an international facilitator, trainer, and consultant, and has worked extensively in the fields of community empowerment, intercultural collaboration, and sustainable development. Kosha grew up in South Africa under Apartheid and has been dedicated to building bridges across divides ever since. She has lived in ecovillages for the past 25 years. Kosha is also a co-founder of Gaia Education, which develops trainings at the cutting-edge of sustainability, and co-author of the internationally-applied curriculum of the Ecovillage Design Education. You can see her TEDx Talk on Ecovillages here: www.tinyurl.com/tedtalkkosha. In 2016, Kosha received the Dadi Janki Award, 100 Women of Spirit, for engaging spirituality in life and work, and for making a difference in the world.

The Power of Community

Journal Article

‘Ecovillages’—communities that consciously regenerate life within and around them—start appearing when we notice that the world really needs us to wake up and come fully present now. ‘Business as usual’ is no longer an option. Then we find that we have an endless capacity to find intelligent and different solutions.

Bioregions and Regeneration | Honoring the Places Where We Live

Journal Article

Daniel | To “do the impossible, because the probable is unthinkable” is only limited by our current frame of what reality is all about. If we dare to understand that our way of being in the moment and with each other and in relationship, actually matters—that it literally brings forth a different world—then we can work miracles.