
Explore our archive of articles on Science.

Climate Reports

Journal Article

The power and abundance of our Earth can never be overstated; what is commonly overlooked is humanity's exploitation and neglect of its own life source.

Books in Brief

Journal Article

Reviews of books spanning topics within science, culture, economics, spirituality, and more.

Eager: The Surprising, Secret Life of Beavers and Why They Matter

Journal Article

If trapping out beavers ranked among humanity’s earliest crimes against nature, bringing them back is a way to pay reparations.

Evolving Toward Cooperation

Journal Article

Of course, the question was—after a century and a half of “Social Darwinism” claiming that it was all about competition, from the lowest to the highest—could our world now dominated by the shark-tank rubrics of business, economics, and politics adjust to this astounding news? Could it realize that because of this basic blunder about Darwin’s message, we had, in fact, ended up with dystopia instead of utopia?

Physics and Spirituality

Journal Article

...this apparently material world is only the phenomenal representation of a much deeper universal reality. Such an assertion is not easily understood, but it does suggest that, if we accept the notion of a cosmic ecosystem, stewardship is not merely related to the material world of people and planet, but indeed is spiritual stewardship.

Freeing the Dragon

Journal Article

A world without fossil fuels is only possible if we change the system completely. That means building an alternative which works at least as well in all these diverse fields, but which is regenerative instead of destructive. We need to completely change the system if we want to liberate the dragon.

The Galileo Project

Journal Article

The world today is dominated by science and by its underlying assumptions, which are seldom articulated even though they generate not only a methodology but also a worldview or philosophy.