Living Earth

Explore our archive of articles on Living Earth.

Worldviews Conjured by Words

Journal Article

Do we have access to words and languages that are life-enhancing, that awaken our consciousness to an animate Earth and our place in a living cosmology? Do the words we choose, and the order in which we string them together, depict the world as a web of sacred systems with agency, or instead, tragically, as a vault of commodities and dead-matter resources for human use?

Summoned by the Earth | A Story of Healing and Protection

Journal Article

Tasked with an ancient Tibetan practice, Cynthia Jurs embarked on a monumental mission: to carry Earth Treasure Vases filled with prayers and holy offerings and bury them in places around the world for healing. Her book, "Summoned by the Earth," chronicles her incredible journey. A Kosmos interview and book excerpt.

Returning Home to Our Place in the Cosmos


The first time I wept for the Earth I was alone in the woods in late summer after a long […]

Natural Beauty


Artist Statement I love my region, ‘Alpenwelt Karwendel,’ in the southern part of Germany in the Bavarian Alps. I was […]

An Interview with Sister Miriam Therese MacGillis at Genesis Farm


If the dynamics of the universe from the beginning shaped the course of the heavens, lighted the sun, and formed […]

Climate Reports

Journal Article

The power and abundance of our Earth can never be overstated; what is commonly overlooked is humanity's exploitation and neglect of its own life source.

Green Medicine

Journal Article

I use photography as a tool to explore the raw elemental power of the natural world by visiting and re-visiting places I’m drawn to in order to be touched by their spiritual essence.

The Prophecy

Journal Article

Through his stunning work, Belgian-Beninese photographer Fabrice Monteiro challenges us to examine issues of fashion, race, consumerism and exploitation.


Journal Article

During the blink of an eye we call a lifetime, change transforms us. Change forces us to see Earth and our place in the cosmos in new ways.

A Tale of Two Pipelines

Journal Article

Malinda | We came together as a community, saying to the corporation, Williams Partners, "We're not going to stand by and let you destroy our land. We will stand between you and the land if we have to."