Special Preview | Kosmos Journal New Fall/Winter Edition
October 18, 2016 Kosmos Community News

Excerpt | Can We Harness Conflict?

by Mark Gerzon, Fall | Winter 2016

Notice that the question in the title is not can we ‘end’ conflict, or even ‘manage’ or ‘contain’ it. These are old and usually unproductive approaches. The more useful question about conflict today is: Can we harness it?

After studying and working directly with conflict around the world for the last quarter century, and now witnessing my home country of America bitterly divided, this question seems both important and urgent to me. In fact, I would argue that the human future depends on how we answer it.

Excerpt | Theatre of Transformation

by Rama Mani, coming in Kosmos Journal, Fall | Winter 2016

Time for a Paradigm Change

We aren’t here just to make a little noise. We’re here to change the paradigm. – Neema Namadamu, peacemaker, DR Congo

Today, the world appears to hurtle towards irreversible manmade disaster on all fronts. However, breakdowns are being accompanied by breakthroughs. Since 2000, as crises have multiplied, decision-makers have persisted in buttressing dysfunctional systems and paradigms. Meanwhile, ordinary citizens on all continents have initiated polyphonous, creative movements to reimagine the world and shape new paradigms.

These new paradigms aren’t imposed on us; they emerge through us. At last, we humans aren’t sidelined to the margins of history as spectators at best and victims at worst. Now, we’re called to its epicenter to assume our roles as authors, artists, actors, and co-creators of the world taking shape around and through us. The stage is set; the curtains are quivering.

At this juncture of dissolution and regenesis, we are invited to treat this global drama of destruction as a ‘Theatre of Transformation.’

Excerpt | Open Group Practice: Eight Social Selves

by Bonnitta Roy, coming in Kosmos Journal, Fall | Winter 2016

In 2012, after retiring from my professional career, I was eager to participate in some of the practices I had read about that facilitated group practices aimed at realizing emergent capacities. My working hypothesis was that it could be possible for people to participate in ways that would catalyze new cognitive and conative capacities such as multi-perspectival awareness, sensory clarity, enhanced perception, collective in­sight, and cognitive flow. I believe these capacities are necessary to successfully address 21st century challenges.

I was surprised to find the existing practices significantly flawed.

Excerpt | The Predicament of Knowledge: A Challenge for Culture Design

by Joe Brewer, coming in Kosmos Journal, Fall | Winter 2016

Imagine if we collectively knew all that is needed to solve the hardest social problems in the world. Whether it’s political corruption or mass poverty, ecological devastation or terrorism, the refugee crisis or structural racism, the root causes for all of these issues are deeply and systemically cultural.

So what if we already knew how to design changes in culture and solve problems like these? Wouldn’t that be a worthwhile thing to do? Read on and I will try to convince you that this seemingly impossible feat is already within reach—all we have to do is put the right pieces together.

Excerpt | Millennials and the Shifting Political Climate: A Chance for Libertarianism to Emerge

by Kristin Tate, coming in Kosmos Journal, Fall | Winter 2016

The 2016 presidential election has been a disaster for young people. Between the dishonest pandering of Hillary Clinton and the perceived boorishness of Donald Trump, many millennials are stuck in no man’s land.

But the future of politics may not be as bleak as it seems. Libertarian views will likely shape the ideologies of tomorrow, and as this shift occurs, millennials will become increasingly eager to engage in the political landscape.