Wisdom Education Is Not About Being An Expert On The Knowledge Of Wisdom; It Is About Becoming Wise

Wisdom is a symptom of an emotionally healthy brain. Focusing on the symptom is like focusing on the smoke to understand the fire.

For thousands of years our wisdom experts have been asking the same old question again and again, ‘What is wisdom?’. The answer after all these years is still pretty much elusive because of the very nature of wisdom. Even when we know what is wisdom we still have to figure out how to become wise. Too much focus is on trying to figure out wisdom and hardly any on how to become wise; when becoming wise is what is essential and is all that counts. Please consider the following:

Suppose I want to create a house for myself and I keep asking ‘What is a house?’. The answers I will get are the attributes of the house. However these answers will not create a house for me. What will start the process of creating a house is asking the question, ‘What is the house made of and how can I use this material to build the house’. It is the same with wisdom. To get the right results what we need is to ask the questions, ‘What is wisdom made from’? and ‘How do we create this entity that generates wisdom?’. The focus of researching wisdom has to shift to what creates wisdom. 

When we put wisdom(a wise person’s brain) under the microscope we do not find wisdom; all we find is an emotionally healthy brain. An ignorant person’s brain shows up as an emotionally challenged brain. It is vey clear that wisdom is created by an emotionally healthy brain. Creating wisdom amounts to nurturing the emotionally unhealthy brain to become an emotionally healthy brain. 

Further we can break wisdom into its attributes. Again when we examine each and every attribute; all we find is selflessness. Each and every attribute is made up of selflessness. Thus when we put wisdom under the microscope we find that wisdom is made of selflessness. It is very clear that wisdom is selflessness. So the answer to the question, ‘What is wisdom comes by way of asking the question, ‘What is wisdom made from? Sadly the question ‘What is wisdom made from?’ has been totally ignored by our wisdom researchers. 

So the question ‘What is wisdom?’ becomes ‘What is selflessness’? Again even selflessness is not only not seriously researched; it is grossly misunderstood. However the question we must ask is not what is wisdom/selflessness, we must ask the question, how can we make everyone wise/selfless. How can we create an emotionally healthy brain which produces wisdom/selflessness effortlessly.

Unfortunately our wisdom experts will keep going in circles trying to understand wisdom and they will keep finding that wisdom is made of its attributes. The true nature of our wisdom knowledge will remain as fuzzy as ever. Our wisdom experts must understand that the real goal of wisdom education is not about knowing wisdom; it is about becoming wise. 

It is clear that by educating the brain with knowledge of what is wisdom/emotional-intelligence we cannot change the physical brain into producing wisdom/emotional-intelligence. To perfect emotional intelligence education our aim must be to understand that we need to get the brain to project super mature emotional intelligence. We need to create cutting edge brain therapies that will transform the emotionally unhealthy brain into an emotionally healthy brain.

When the Buddha was asked about the big questions of philosophy he said he had no answers simply because the answers were not necessary. The Bible is saying the same thing when it says to stay away from eating the fruit from the knowledge tree. But our wisdom experts are obsessively busy researching full time on just trying to figure out what is wisdom. 

A wise mother does not know that she is wise; she even has no clue as to what is wisdom and yet she raises wise children. A wise person does not know that he is wise. It is clear that the knowledge of wisdom has little to do with being wise. Yet our wisdom experts are fully focused on trying to figure out what is wisdom, a goal which according to the Buddha and the Bible is mostly unnecessary. What our wisdom experts need to do is focus on developing ways to make the entire population wise; which boils down to creating emotionally healthy brains. Thus wisdom education is brain therapy that takes the sub-normal brain and makes it into a super normal brain; as wisdom comes into existence when the brain is emotionally super healthy.