A Call For A New Paradigm For The Arts

“A Call for a New Paradigm for the Arts”
By Maria Calegari,
President and co-founder, Apollo Arts Initiative Foundation
“There must be no pessimism as to the future of mankind or distress over the disappearance of the old order. The good, the true and the beautiful is on its way and for it mankind is responsible and not divine intervention.”
Externalization of the Hierarchy,
Alice A. Bailey, Lucis Trust . 630
It is unquestionable that the old order is passing away and so there is an ever increasing call for like minded individuals to take a stand on behalf of the ideas and ideals they believe will usher in the new civilization. I too as a planetary citizen hope to contribute to this global shift that is happening in our world today.
In 2011 I became President and Co-Founder of the Apollo Arts Initiative Foundation, a not-for-profit organization dedicated to fostering cultural enrichment and wellness for the individual and the community in its deepest holistic sense.
As a former principal dancer with the New York City Ballet, now dance educator, and long time student of the Ageless Wisdom teachings, I am very excited and inspired to present a new paradigm for the arts that have so enriched my own life.
I believe that great art transcends all boundaries and touches every soul. That true art and culture can provide the common sharing of our One Humanity and reveals the deeper essence and hidden beauty that lies within us all.
The mission of the Apollo Arts Initiative is simply to create the needed sacred spaces and opportunities for the arts to be experienced and expressed without the adverse effects of materialism and selfish interests that have often been the status-quo.The value of the arts and culture cannot be underestimated as a lighted way to greater unity and understanding.
Why Apollo?
The young Apollo was trained in the arts and sciences by the nine muses to ignite his own creativity. He developed into the epitome of Beauty and the leader of the muses and director of their choir.
We know beauty has a resounding affect on our environment and creativity provides solutions we have yet to imagine. There is a young Apollo in each of us waiting to be nurtured!
The Apollo Arts Initiative programs include dance education, performances, lively discussion groups, workshops and community outreach with the soul purpose of encouraging others to tap into their own inner reservoir of creativity and wellness.
Ballet is a perfect art form to express “the good, the true, and the beautiful.”
With its emphasis on orchestral music, grace and ritual group work it becomes a spiritual practice of visualization, meditation, invocation and evocation. When done in co-creation with the energies of the nature kingdoms all the arts can provide healing thought forms for Humanity and the Earth.
Having performed numerous times in George Balanchine’s mythic ballet “Apollo”, I experienced this transformative power first hand. I danced the role of Calliope, the muse of sacred writing and poetry and found many years later that writing for me had evolved as a soul expression and path of service.
Yet it took years of study, practice, and identification with a new holistic awareness to fully comprehend the significance the arts and culture have in our world today.
Passing on these insights and realizations is really what the Apollo Arts Initiative is all about.
In 2011 we presented our first performance of ballet excerpts fittingly from
“Apollo”, with fine young dancers representing the Greek God and three of his muses. In a quiet intimate setting the dancers and the audience found themselves transported. They were able to let go and experience this great art in a deeper more meaningful way. This might not have been possible in a larger more conventional environment.
We see providing high quality art in a sacred way an important contribution to the new civilization we are all trying to birth.
The value of the individual is now more recognized than ever before. Our unique qualities make up the multi colored tapestry that is Humanity. How we shape, nurture and connect to this spirit of oneness through creative living will surely lead us to the new civilization. The Apollo Arts Initiative Foundation is ready to play its part.