Mindset, Conflict and Collective Healing
July 11, 2017 Kosmos Community News

New Approaches to Healing Collective Conflict and Trauma: Our Responsibility as Global Citizens

By William Ury, Thomas Hübl
Kosmos Journal, SPRING | SUMMER 2017

Hübl: Our actions, ethics, and way of living are inherently interwoven with our wellbeing, our health, and the health of the next generation. We have a responsibility to respond somehow to the stored information in the human body, ­in the tissue of life. How can we take care of what we actually produce as human beings, like how we harm the tissue of life and the scars that are in the big body of life?

Thomas Hübl’s The Pocket Project: Facilitating the Integration of Collective Trauma

By Julie Jordan Avritt, Thomas Hübl
Kosmos Journal,  SPRING | SUMMER 2017

Thomas Hübl, a contemporary mystic and spiritual teacher, often facilitates large groups through a process for the collective integration of trauma. Hübl uses an allegorical image, illustrating the collective unconscious as a dark subterranean lake, and believes its contents are essential to both individual and cultural healing. Instances of personal and multi-generational suffering create dislocation, dissociation, and separation from the essential self and from one another. If the memories and emotions we carry around our struggles and traumas—the experiences that created our dislocations—are not healed, Hübl believes they will be passed down to successive generations.

KOSMOS LIVE Podcast | Alnoor Ladha, Mystical Anarchism in a Post-Capitalist World

Kosmos Live!

This podcast series, Preparing for Profound Change, explores the shifting global landscape. Economic turmoil, climate chaos, political upheaval – these may seem like forces to fear, but in fact offer us deep opportunities for transformation. A post-carbon, post-capitalist world calls for deep awakening and action at all levels – by individuals, communities and societies.

“This current system is essentially anti-life. And we cannot go on in this way, dependent on 3% global GDP growth, and the extraction of all our resources, and taking ancient fossils from the ground to prop up a Ponzi Scheme economy.” – Alnoor Ladha

‘Language Death’, Conflict, and Ecology – a Case Study from Nepal

By Mark Turin | Excerpts from a study by the International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) 

The death of a language marks the loss of yet another piece of cultural uniqueness from the mosaic of our diverse planet, and is therefore a tragedy for the heritage of all humanity. Language death is often compared to species extinction, and the same metaphors of preservation and diversity can be invoked to canvas support for biodiversity and language preservation programs. The present article addresses language endangerment in the Himalayas, with a focus on Nepal, [and links linguistic intolerance to ecological peril and regional conflict].