Kosmos Participates in International Day of Peace 100 Day Countdown

Global Transformation in Harmony with All Life: from Fear to Hope, Remarks by Dot Maver, June 13, 2015

“Over the next 100 days, let us stand with the millions of people across the world who are suffering the devastating impact of violence and conflict. Let us share ideas and plans for helping and supporting them in their time of dire need.” – UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon

(image) Dot Maver

What a joy to participate in this call as we begin the 100 day countdown to the International Day of Peace 2015. The Spirit of Cooperation is alive and well as we come together – a partnership to create the conditions for a culture of peace.

There is no question that peace is prevailing. Peace: living in right relationship with self, others and all life. We see it everywhere – even in the midst of these challenging times.

  • as restorative justice is on the rise and our criminal justice systems begin to engage in exploring how to transform the system
  • as eco-villages around the world demonstrate the very synthesis of living in harmony with all life
  • as a sharing economy is experimented with in places around the world
  • as educators embrace social-emotional learning and there is a movement afoot for Trauma Response Communities
  • as visionary leaders such as Vandana Shiva offer hope even in the face of corporate giants like Monsanto … and a Save Our Seed Movement is born
  • as Tesla is recognized as a genius and solar batteries are becoming available, utilizing the Sun and our intelligence as we move away from fossil fuel … entire cities are striving to become solar powered … and Germany leads the way
  • as everything from community gardens to community policing is seen around the world …
  • and The Commons is going mainstream!

What we are experiencing is a simultaneous all-systems breakdown and all-systems breakthrough; simultaneous destruction and construction. And we are conscious of ourselves and what is going on, and thus can take shared responsibility to wisely destroy and construct. It does not get better than this as peacebuilders!

So as we count down to IDP,  let us continue to tell the New Story -the New Ancient Story – it is important to name it;  to help others see it; to give hope. And as we plan our events and continue our work for a culture of peace, may we stand in the knowing of living peace, no longer answering the question: Is peace possible?, rather celebrating the fact that as global citizens we are celebrating the shift – from fear to hope – as we are more and more demonstrating how to live in harmony with all Life.

The Spirit of Peace is alive and well!(image)

In closing let me share Wendell Berry’s poem:

 What We Need Is Here

Geese appear high over us,

pass, and the sky closes. Abandon,

as in love or sleep, holds

them to their way, clear

in the ancient faith: what we need

is here. And we pray, not

for new earth or heaven, but to be

quiet in heart, and in eye,

clear. What we need is here.