Tam Hunt, Charles Eisenstein, and Freely

Tam Hunt, Charles Eisenstein, and Freely

Freely is a multimodal healer with an academic background in biology, chemistry, and neuroscience; a teacher of qi gong, meditation, natural movement, ethnoecology; a poet, songwriter, and multi-instrumentalist musician; and a visual artist. His diverse work is inspired by the realization of our capacity to live in symbiosis, harmony, freedom, and abundance. innerwayhealing@gmail.com

Charles Eisenstein is a public speaker, author and essayist. His major works are The Ascent of Humanity: Civilization and the Human Sense of Self (which Tam reviewed here), Sacred Economics, Climate: A New Story, The More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know Is Possible, and The Coronation. His words are increasingly being turned into rather lovely videos including this recent one by Matthew Freidell called “To be at home in the world.” Tam interviewed Charles here.

Tam Hunt is a lawyer and philosopher with a strong background in science, particularly evolutionary theory (He sees trajectories!). He has published in various fields and has taught classes at the undergraduate and graduate/law level. Tam has written several books, including two on the intersection of science, philosophy and spirituality – Eco, Ego, Eros, and Mind, World, God – and he is working on a number of other books in various fields. Tam is also a novelist, wrapping up his second novel.