Merle Lefkoff

Merle Lefkoff is Founder and Executive Director of the Center for Emergent Diplomacy in Santa Fe, New Mexico. After receiving her PhD in Political Science from Emory University, Lefkoff became a teacher, curriculum developer, consultant, and mediator for governments, civil society organizations, universities, and private industry around the world experiencing the conflicts that accompany wrenching political, social, and ecological change. Applying a framework drawn from the new science of Complex Adaptive Systems, she was most recently Visiting Professor in Integrative Peacebuilding at Saint Paul University in Ottawa, and Visiting Teacher in Science and Spirituality at Upaya Zen Center in Santa Fe.
Sacred Diplomacy in the Emerging Ecozoic Era
Journal Article
International diplomats are worn out from the toxic politics, overriding militarism, and positional bargaining for land, money, and power that define present negotiations.