Arthur Romano

Arthur Romano is an international educator, researcher, and consultant specializing in developing sustainable educational approaches for transforming conflict. He has worked in Africa, Asia and the US supporting communities in creatively engaging with conflict and he advises a wide range of organizations on the development of conflict resolution education programs. Arthur currently is a professor in the School of Conflict Analysis and Resolution at George Mason University. His research and applied interests include the use of peace education in communities affected by violence and poverty, creative responses by youth and their allies to inequality and global educational movements. Professor Romano is currently teaching courses on identity and conflict resolution, global peace education,conflict resolution practice and group, community and organization conflict analysis and resolution. Arthur’s PhD research utilized complexity and systems theory to examine pedagogical innovation in the field of international peace education.
Reflections on Transformative Education: Toward Peace Learning Systems
Global Transformation through Peace Learning Systems Over the past 15 years, I have worked on peace education programs in communities […]