Helen Titchen Beeth

After 30 years of living in Brussels and working for the European Commission as a linguist and gentle provoker of change, I have retired from organizational life and city living. I now live on a smallholding in the Flemish countryside (Belgium) in community with two close friends, where we practice conscious co-creation with place, applying the principles and methods of permaculture. As a…

The Great Coming Together

I was already working on the final draft of Kosmos  when a last minute book review came in, so compelling that I literally stopped production. Without hesitation or thought, I downloaded and read Joseph Jaworski’s new book, Source: The Inner Path of Knowledge Creation,  from cover to cover, and somehow managed to find space to publish an excerpt in this issue.  What I did and how I did it…

Transforming Institutions

A letter to you, Twice a year I have the opportunity to connect with you and to express my gratitude to those who have inspired and uplifted me on this long journey toward planetary harmony and wholeness. Although I have not met many of you in person, I think of you often, knowing we are resonating to the same note. Many of you are designing and crafting exciting projects and exploding…