What makes you feel truly alive

Life is good and beautiful in itself once you get the reason for for your living. Many today are just living but not yet discover their true reason for living and I personally believe that every human being on earth has an assignment to fulfill to make this world a better place and we all owe a debt to it.

One of the best motivational speaker of our time is the late Dr Myles Munroe who used to say that “The greatest Tragedy in life is not death but a life without a purpose”. This purpose is the essence of every person’s presence on earth. As far as I am concerned it’s better not to be than to be and do not know why you are. And if we understand this, we will be so busy and minding our own business by doing that which we have to do to make our world a better place than we found it and consequently have no time left to judge our fellow neighbors as the famous Mother Teresa said “If we pass our time judging others, we will have no time to love them.” In this sense what will make me feel truly Alive is to fix yourself a plan and run with it but meanwhile enjoying life because every minute counts.

We are to be aware of this fact that even though God would not be our judge, the life we have lived on earth will justify us or condemn us as being something to someone or being nothing to nothing to anybody. I have come to love the saying of Mother Teresa “One of the greatest diseases is to be nobody to anybody”. Personally I have defined life as a unique opportunity given to any human being to do the good he /she can to change the bad he /she sees and in this way we will live as examples and a source of inspiration not only to the world we are living in but also to the generations yet unborn.

One brother said in one of the Kosmos Journals something I really liked “that we are the people we have been waiting for”. This statement is absolutely motivating and challenging because today people blame one another and are good at pointing fingers to others and sometimes respond by critics yet we can’t fight evils with evil rather we can do the good we can to change the bad we see everyday. After all, we will found out later that we as human beings were to be one another strength and that each person on earth is a solution to a problem beyond his race, ethnic group, gender or color and the legacy behind must be one to emulate.

However this is not something that achieved overnight, it is a long process of life learning from both good and bad encounters in our lives. Nelson Mandela talked about education and learning, he said that “education is the most powerful weapon if you want to change the world”, and I personally think that if you want to change the world, you must first be changed and be the change you want. It’s a little hard but true change come from the inside and start from the inside. The greatest discovery and innovation that has ever been made was once conceived and designed in a person’s mind before its manifestation. So therefore what makes us feel truly alive is not in the first place our possession but the source which is our true self. In fact, this is why Kosmos motivated me because Kosmos encourages people to define themselves from within and if this is the Case as it is, people must always seek to fill their minds with good things from good sources. Now, if the future belongs to young people as they are always called “leaders of tomorrow”, they are to make the greatest sacrifice of guiding their minds and lives from any corrupt information that will destroy their thinking abilities and they should not sell themselves so cheap because they are very expensive.

Today many give excuses that there is no mentor around but the truth is that you may not have one near you but you can still learn from far or from the late great men and women who changed their world’s history. According to me, it’s better to fail and learn from your failures than never do anything and learn nothing at all. That I fail today does not mean that I will fail tomorrow. I can fail but I will start over and over again until I succeed. One of the greatest Nelson Mandela’s quotes today is “It always seems Impossible until it is done”, I think this is a language from experience. He knew what he was talking about. Today we say “I don’t have, I have too little” but a seed doesn’t need to be great and the power of a seed is not in its size and everything big started little. The over 7 Billion of the current world population today (Worldometers 2014) came from one family (I Believe the Bible). The world’s greatest business men, most of them started their companies inside the confines of garages, dorm rooms even at church crust.

God did not create anybody without something great or small.

Finally, what makes me feel truly Alive is this understanding that of the purpose of life and that I have a vision, something I am born for, something I live for and that I am even going to die for, something that is worthy the cost.