The Economy of Work and Humane Development

When you listen to financial gurus,politicians and economists of today, it is as if they are reading from those script written 400 yrs ago by Hobbies, Locke and Adams Smith. It stand to question whether the field of economics and politics have developed at all.Apart from democracy nothing much has changed, while the field of economy remains stagnant, what ever has happen in that field are just mere intellectual trifling and antics to serve capitalism, in the same way Locke and co were just yielding to position during those era,but unfortunately their script were the bases of man’s affairs today.

Reflecting, the progress of civilization is only attributable to science, what went wrong?.I think the answer lies in the beginning when those men were designing our today. Their treatise were developed in response to Descartes theory of mathematical objective reasoning and Newton laws of nature.

What those men of science observed led to more understanding of nature and it’s laws. Science may have its giving and misgivings as a subject of logic. it is solely responsible for the progress humanity made to prove the uniqueness of its species as creative beings.

The question asked by intelligent people during the age of reasons is still valid today I.e. why is nature so orderly and follow strict laws and human affairs so chaotic. The answer given then is still same today which our 400yrs of history proved wrong if where it has taken us is the age of Anthropocene.

Reflecting, Newton and his colleagues are men to be saluted for increasing our consciousness of objective nature. However the work of Newton was restricted to matter in motion, what he actually did was a separation of quality from quantity creating a mechanistic world in the Social sphere while in the science sphere Einstein redirected the thought away from the box of quantitative observation and the progress that follows. Whereas in the Social, economic and political spheres the faith of civilization was sealed in a box and reinforce by powerful intellectual institutions today.

Reflecting, Newtons and Descates postulation had nothing to do with Hobbies, Locke and Smith’s treatises. Strictly speaking the law of gravity can only depict conscience socially, politically depict equity and economically depict morality. All of this can be quantitatively and qualitatively assessed and measured, there development into state of earth gives a picture of humanity with natural beauty because he is in harmony with nature.

For want of space let’s leave these value issues but we shall return to them shortly. Let’s go spiritual. Why?, because one of the failure of man is that philosophers are more acceptable a mistake we still make today, the word of the prophets and Sages are only meant for the monasteries and churches where professionalism holds sway and subject to political instincts of keeping followers but not objective understanding of wise words.

From the days of Osiris to Muhammed the common issue is love their position on equity,morality and conscience is clear. Today we seek newness for the community of men but that has been the stand point of all prophet and sages.

There was a time in history when men asked what is the aim of man in society and the answer was production while the aim of production was wealth. The words of the prophets seems to be in the opposite. The earth is our common wealth given as providence for the development of the productive man so that man may increase his consciousness and know the wisdom of his creator so that he may become men the doer and become fitting for the kingdom of God.

But what have we done with the earth,waste upon waste, while we indulge ourselves in the culture of hidden talent rather the culture of traded talent as admonished by Jesus Christ where the enemy of man will be lazy idleness and his joy unending in the garden of love provided for him.

However love is to give every thing for the unfolding of man and it’s development into abilities. We may therefore properties our common wealth as a bridge to the new where love holds sway.