What Makes Me Feel Alive

Life is good and beautiful in itself once you get the reason for your living. Many today are just living but have not yet discover their reason for their existence. But I believe that every human being on earth has an assignment to fulfill to make this world a better place and we all owe a debt to it.The late Dr Myles Munroe, one of the best motivational speaker said “The greatest Tragedy in life is not death but life without a purpose”. This purpose is the essence each person’s life on earth.

As a matter of fact, it’s better not to be than to be and do not know why you are and if we understand this, we will pass most of our time discovering that which we live for and it is not hard to because it lies in solving that problem that you always see around you. Any one is a solution to a problem, whatever it is. The famous Mother Teresa said something critical on this matter, she said “If we pass our time judging others, we will have no time to love them.” What makes me feel truly Alive is the fact that I know I live to be a solution to someone somewhere in this world. Indeed we must be aware of the fact that though God may not be our judge, the life itself that we have lived here will justify us or condemn us. I liked the saying of Mother Teresa “The greatest diseases is to be nobody to anybody.

Actually I personally have defined life as a unique opportunity given to any human being to do the good he/she can to change the bad he /she sees and in this case we will be living as examples not only to this generation but also to the generation yet unborn and therefore be a source of inspiration to many. I recently read from one brother in one of the Kosmos Journal that we are the people we have been waiting for, the generation we have been waiting for. Surely every person is a solution to a problem beyond his race, ethnic group and color and the legacy will be something to emulate. Yet this is not achieved overnight, it is a life learning process from both good and bad encounters throughout our life on earth.

I liked Kosmos so much because they encourages people to define themselves from within because they came to realize that every change or innovation that has ever happened started from within individuals before the manifestation on the outside.

Finally, if this is the case as it is for sure, we young people, as the hope of tomorrow, as the leaders of tomorrow must make the greatest sacrifice of controlling how we think because our thoughts matter. This understanding of life’s purpose and having a vision of making our world a better place is what makes me feel truly Alive.