Alchemy of Self – a journey towards Heart Centered Consciousness

The year is 2006, a seed was planted, inviting the birth of an authentic living expression of Self. A journey, self-facilitated with no intermediaries, anchored by the value pillars inherent within began. Choices, unorthodox in the community, were taken: Moving out of the familiar, into the unknown. Staying grounded to what is. Starting the process of unveiling the layers that cover the true essence of “who I am”. Realizing that embracing a deeply genuine emotional integration process is the key to discovering the highest values. Learning practices and social technologies that support the emergence of the new. Entering the cauldron with intention and awareness, keeping the thread connected while diving deeply into the space in between. Initiating a creative active container to enfold, explore, experiment, sense and grow. Weeding out attachments. Reflecting to integrate. Embodying one step at a time, with gentleness and care, to become the authentic expression of “who I am”.

The year is 2009, the fetus was growing, the heartbeat becoming stronger, both an invitation to prototype in the outer field. Creativity was the driver. Integrated emergent process design was the map. The creative arts was the ignition. Story making was a new envisioning and harvesting practice. Social cohesion was an outcome. Experiencing was the vehicle to engaging and living the transformation.

The year is 2011, the quickening was happening, and a shift from the organizer, coordinator, and facilitator role was initiated. The higher values were named: coming together, in connection, ideas, in relationship, story, flow and unity consciousness. A protective space embodying the resonance of those values was emerging in the midst of the city. Through a community art fusion dialogue and an inhabiting embodied process, nSite manifested, providing a coherent space vibrating the heartbeat of “the work” that it will offer. The time was now ripe to reconnect with the dormant feminine awaiting to be awakened. Dancing into the midst of the feminine spiral: hosting, holding space, activating the felt-perception sensory organs, reconnecting with nature in all her glory, walking and communing with the land of our ancestry’s, bridging east and west, liberating structures, listening, yes actively listening as the process of co-creation was anchoring its presence with ease and grace, and the inner gifts were excavated with loving attention.

The year is 2014, the eyelids from within were opening to a more wider perspective. Entering the labyrinth, springing the highest values, clarifying the journey and the vision, unifying time and timing. Preparing to move outwards from an active incubation, becoming a resonant field for authenticity and neutrality, embracing relational learning practices as new innovative, experiential pathways that will open space for engaging from the heart with difference to make a difference, launching strategic reflective anchoring journeys in the learning field, crafting an emerging learning education vision in response to the transition towards an evolutionary stage triggered at the dawn of the 21st century.

The year is 2015, the room in the womb is running out, it is time to prepare for the final labour before the birth. From an anchored “who I am”, healing the remaining debris of old emotional and social imprints, naming “the work”, discerning and staying aligned and true to it, living actively the transformation: Reframing the relationship with family, “walking the talk” authentically with compassion to the journey of others. Initiating Circles of Alignment to the new wave rhythms of change enabling all to trace the dissolving and emerging patterns of our journey. Curating a book holding 9 years of reflections, stories and images of time and timelessness from the heart to unity consciousness, a closing chapter within before the final birth without; living each step of the transformation fully.

The month is August 2015, the birth is getting closer; what stays from a nine years intimate and intense active inner awareness journey: an opening with a spark of healing and purifying rain; holding the ancient wisdom and lineages serving Earth and the natural kingdom. Entering a higher perspective paving the road, in service of home for coherence amongst family and friends of Life. Starting an evolved craftsmanship, weaving time and spaces, offering harmony, balance and equilibrium in service of heart abundance leading to transformation. Bridging the spiritual and physical dimensions through the anchored four directions. Holding the inner life force energy serving an alchemical process through the breath of expression and movement. Reaching the depths of the void, enlightening the invisible potentials and gifts, serving an initiation of creativity a mirror of reality of ALL THAT IS.

The gestation period of the Alchemy of Self journey is on the verge of closing. This time, when the chord is cut, I will not forget the true essence of “who I am”: an intuitive visionary mother cultivating compassionate spaces and weaving meaningful creative journeys to nurture and blossom heart centered consciousness.