Patricia Szczerba

Pat Szczerba began teaching at the School for New Learning in the Winter
Quarter of 1996. She teaches courses on website design, Microsoft
Office Suite and the United Nations, including a study travel course
where students attend the UN’s annual three-day conference for
affiliated nonprofit organizations that is held each September.

In the spring of 1999, Ambassador Ahmad Kamal, Pakistan, (from United
Nations headquarters) and Pat (in the classroom) co-taught a course on
international corporations. This was the first time an United Nations
ambassador taught a course via videoconferencing from the UN and the
first time that SNL had a course via videoconferencing. SNL offers this
course each Spring Quarter on Thursday nights at the Loop Campus.

She brought to SNL nine years of experience working with nonprofit
organizations at the United Nations in New York City. She helped
facilitate SNL’s affiliation with the United Nations Department of
Public Information (DPI) as a nonprofit organization in March 1997. Pat
and Dr. David Levin are SNL’s two representatives to the UN.

Pat is editor of the Global Issues Section for The New York Times
since 1999 where she writes on world health, world population,
human rights, the United Nations, international organizations and the
Nobel Prizes. From 1989 to 1998 she held the same position with The
Universal Almanac
. In 1999, The Universal Almanac was bought out by The
New York Times Almanac